Robert Abela takes Labour down to worst result in party’s history
Robert Abela has made history by becoming the most
Ousted minister’s ‘consolation’ job breaches ethics guidelines – PN
Former transport minister Aaron Farrugia’s nomination as Malta’s emissary
Lack of editorial independence, ‘problematic’ party media main issues in Malta’s media landscape
The most serious issue facing Malta’s media freedom landscape
Opinion: Abela turns toxic
“The opposition… pointed a pistol towards Judge Grixti’s head,
Party finances: PL in €2 million deficit, PN breaches rules
The Labour Party (PL) reported a deficit of over
Opinion: The Metsola moment
It was never going to be a monumental speech.
Opposition takes ‘propaganda machine’ PBS to court in bid to ensure impartiality
The opposition has upped the ante from the judicial
Labour’s midsummer nightmare – Paul Bonello
I take the cue from the customary performance around
It’s not about the gap
The latest election surveys have been eclipsed by Mark
Life after Labour – Kevin Cassar
“Grech obtains the worst results,” was Labour TV ONE’s
PN demands finance minister fulfill agreement with Air Malta employees
The Nationalist Party has called on the government to
Media experts committee mum on reforms while government sits on recommendations
The press experts committee appointed by the prime minister
How the PAC’s investigation into Electrogas was derailed
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) was created to audit
Third of PN MPs present no receipts on electoral spending, Giglio spent six times the average
Top criminal lawyer Joe Giglio spent six times the
Azzopardi resigns from PN, cites disagreement with party leader over Fenech pardon
Updated to include PN reaction Former PN MP Jason
Labour knows
The Nationalist Party got thoroughly trashed in the last
Perverted representation
In 1716, the UK Parliament voted to extend its
Malta’s government failed to act on recommendations to improve electoral system – OSCE
The government has failed to act on recommendations to
Repetition and negativity: propaganda tools designed to stick
The wave of disinformation in the week that immediately
Election 2022: Out with the old, in with the new
Parliament will look very different in a few weeks’
Traditional parties in difficulty as Labour endorsed by less than half voting population
While Labour celebrates its third consecutive victory at the
Interpreting the signal, ignoring the noise
This piece has been written while we know it’s
Foregone conclusions – Jacques René Zammit
This article is an analysis of a future electoral
Big business funds to political parties favour Labour, but party declares less donations than PN
Tista’ taqra bil-Malti Large Maltese business conglomerates, mainly in
The big manifesto crunch: what are parties in opposition proposing?
In the interest of preserving The Shift’s role as
Elections in Wonderland
We seem to have slipped through the looking glass
A weaponless revolution
Former Italian PM Matteo Renzi was in the news
Weaponising the vote
A reader has written to urge me to make
Stream of congratulations for Roberta Metsola, European parliament’s new president
After a plenary session which saw Maltese MEP and

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