The Dictator’s Handbook #5: The perils of meritocracy
“It is better to have loyal incompetents than competent
The Dictator’s Handbook #4: How to gain power and keep it
Whatever system a political aspiring leader finds himself in,
The Dictator’s Handbook #3: Money and the rules ruling rulers
Right, you have decided you want to be a
Aren’t you glad you’re funding the Labour Party’s electoral success?
A year after the Labour Party shot to power
Disinformation Watch #19: Unfreedom of expression
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said “I will not allow
It’s a right, not a provocation
The government’s actions to suppress freedom of expression and
Malta for dummies #3: The cleansing of memory
At the risk of boring our long-suffering European dummy,
The call for justice will not be silenced
I was discussing the situation in Malta with a
The gloves are off
Malta, 13 September 2018. A group of environmental protestors
An act of resistance
There’s a scene in a film called Matilda –
It’s not freedom when you have no choice
Public land does not stop being public just because
We need less, not more
One word which is often used to describe Malta
Disinformation Watch #16: The Rule of Law – a fascist reinterpretation
The rule of law is one of those concepts
‘If these are Malta’s best times, I’d like to know what hell is’ – residents
At White Rocks this morning, an individual felt compelled
A class of their own
One of my favourite films of all time is
How Joseph Muscat trumps the rule of law in Malta
In the US, the rule of law prevails. In
The choices we make
We are a reflection of our society, and our
State trolling on women uses misogynistic language
Every identified instance of state-sponsored trolling involving female victims
In real terms: political parties in a trap
Finch trapping in Malta has been outlawed by the
Clap Trap: Malta’s defence of finch trapping
‘Absurd and nonsensical talk or ideas’ – the definition
Aquarius crisis reignites cross-party racism
Last week’s diplomatic row between Italian interior minister Matteo
Police union chief leaves secret Labour online group
The head of the GWU’s police union, inspector Sandro
Disinformation Watch #4: ‘traitors’ and ‘enemies of the state’
In a disinformation strategy as old as populism itself,
Without media literacy, politicians could dictate veracity
Free access to information is considered to be the
Launching The Shift News Disinformation Watch
A decade before her assassination, Daphne Caruana Galizia wrote
How Labour sold off socialism (and its soul)
At a hall in Pyongyang, the capital of North
Democracy in chains: eliminating the need for journalists
As pro-Labour Facebook groups peddling hate and inciting violence
Behind the scenes: How Labour online groups reacted to Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination
On Wednesday, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s work was recognised at
Manufacturing consent: How secret online groups feed the cycles of spin
Prior to The Shift News investigation into pro-Muscat online

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