VGH inquiry fallout: DF lawyers out of Shoreline, Convenience Shop boards
Aqra bil-Malti Public-listed companies, The Convenience Shop (Holding) PLC
Opinion: I want my money
“Neither the government nor the opposition nor an NGO”
Opinion: The golden goose
Only eight years ago, Joseph Muscat made Konrad Mizzi
‘MUMN boss abuses his position for personal gain’ – Mt Carmel CEO admits
The CEO of Mount Carmel Hospital told an inquiry
Malta Enterprise chairman distances himself from Jean-Paul Sofia project approval
William Wait, the chairman of Malta Enterprise, said he
Construction reform blocked by Cabinet to avoid losing votes, public inquiry hears
The public inquiry into the death of Jean Paul
Opinion: Course correction
“If you have a proposal that’s not in line
Domestic violence still an urgent issue, government response still slow
A newly founded team specialising in domestic violence has
MCAST lecturer found guilty of abusive behaviour was promoted instead of sacked
Updated to include reactions from former MCAST Principal Stephen
Government slammed for allowing gross conflict of interest at MCAST
An inquiry concluded in 2019 and made public by
EXCLUSIVE: MCAST inquiry finds wide-scale fraud and falsification in recruitment procedures
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. The results of
Conclusions of public inquiry into Daphne Caruana Galizia’s death expected this week
The public inquiry into the assassination of journalist Daphne
Allied Newspapers appointed its own auditors to internal graft inquiry
When Allied Newspapers launched an internal inquiry following allegations
Keith Schembri confirms that he is to be charged
In a lengthy post on social media, former OPM
Former Attorney General defends inaction on major political scandals
Former Attorney General Peter Grech defended his decision to
Conclusions on Hillman-Schembri ‘graft’ inquiry expected shortly
Legal problems connected to disgraced former Prime Minister Joseph
Montenegro government ‘sloppy’ in its cover up of corruption in wind farm deal
Srdjan Milic, an independent Montenegrin MP who has written
Leaks from inquiry on migrants’ deaths aided Prime Minister’s political attacks
An investigation by The Shift has found two media
The Attorney General replies on Egrant inquiry criticism
In an article entitled ‘Attorney General acted ‘irresponsibly’ on
Attorney General acted ‘irresponsibly’ on Egrant inquiry – Vincent De Gaetano
The publication of the Egrant inquiry report has raised
Pieter Omtzigt calls out Joseph Muscat’s unfulfilled promise on Egrant inquiry
The demand for the full publication of the Egrant
Justice delayed: Report stresses need for concrete action on journalist’s death
The crucial need for a truly independent and impartial
Journalists should be pussycats not watchdogs
The implications of last week’s court decision by Judge
Repubblika files new request for an inquiry into Vitals Global Healthcare deal
Civil society organisation Repubblika has filed a new court
Egrant inquiry: Does the public have the right to know?
The court today denied the Opposition Leader’s request to
Impunity reigns in the realm of ‘il-King’
Joseph Muscat hasn’t saved a cent in the past
Impunity is the name of the game
The closing remarks of the Council of Europe’s Special
Disinformation Watch #32: Trump and Muscat’s playbook – ‘get out of jail free’
Populist strongmen use the same disinformation tactics wherever they
Undeserved respect for the judiciary
A legal bid by PN MP Simon Busuttil and

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