What will it take for the Central Bank Governor to quit?
Aqra bil-Malti Opposition spokesperson Karol Aquilina said in a
Opinion: Our money isn’t coming back
Aqra bil-Malti Robert Abela is bragging that he’s engaged
Court orders Stagno Navarra to pay his lawyer’s bills
Labour propagandist Karl Stagno Navarra was found guilty of
Keith Schembri to face trial: Inquiry says he pulled the strings, made millions
The trial against those accused of bribery, fraud and
MFSA CEO silent as Edward Scicluna would not meet ‘fit and proper’ rules
Central Bank Governor Edward Scicluna, facing criminal charges in
Malita CEO denies electoral fraud claims, files police report
The CEO of Malita Investments plc has filed a
Deputy Prime Minister resigns ‘with immediate effect’
Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne has resigned as he
Opinion: justice under siege
When Robert Abela speaks of his duty as prime
Court criticises Steward over time wasting tactics in €37 million pending VAT bill case
The Court of Appeal has ordered proceedings against Steward
Judicial protest filed by whistleblower alleges social benefits racket cover up
A judicial protest claiming a coordinated cover-up by the
European prosecutors office busts EU-wide VAT fraud ring involving Malta
The European Public Prosecutor’s Office has busted an organisation
Ex-Infrastructure Malta CEO investigated for money laundering, fraud
Article updated with additional response from Azzopardi. The European
Maltese companies investigated for links to €15 million EU funds fraud
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. A number of Maltese companies
Ex-Labour MP at centre of ‘benefit fraud racket’ was OPM adviser until last year
The man at the centre of the alleged fraud
Transport Malta driving test whistleblower willing to testify – Cassola
Independent politician Arnold Cassola on Saturday said he has
Government’s ‘trusted’ private jet company chairman in UK court
Thomas Flohr, chairman of the government’s ‘trusted’ private jet
Money stolen by SMS scammers found in Maltese banks by Spain’s Guardia Civil
101 people have been arrested in Spain by the
Crypto-exchange that laundered millions in Malta was a ‘criminal organisation’
The Thodex crypto-exchange, once one of Turkey’s largest exchanges,
Another Malta ‘Blockchain Island’ champion wanted by the US
Another former champion of Malta’s ‘Blockchain Island’ cryptocurrency craze
Latvian honorary consul for Malta accused of €18 million fraud
Latvian honorary consul for Malta and lawyer Jānis Zelmenis
Steward Health Care wants those €100 million – Kevin Cassar
Steward Health Care is appealing. Joseph Muscat and Konrad
The fugitive who’s not a fugitive
When is a fugitive not a fugitive? Magistrate Donatella
The luckiest woman in the world lives in Malta – Ryan Murdock
The luckiest woman in Bormla might just be the
European law enforcement steps in when Malta’s institutions fail to act
The list of cases where European law enforcement authorities
Repubblika files judicial protest calling for independent inquiry into Iosif Galea case
NGO Repubblika has escalated its calls for investigation into
Government slammed for allowing gross conflict of interest at MCAST
An inquiry concluded in 2019 and made public by
EXCLUSIVE: MCAST inquiry finds wide-scale fraud and falsification in recruitment procedures
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. The results of
Malta facing total of 60 active infringement procedures initiated by the European Commission
The EU Commission has 60 open infringement procedures against
It’s not me, it’s them
I can’t remember when I realised there was a
Legal experts clash as freezing orders on assets relaxed in high profile cases
Following at least three instances in which high profile

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