Michael Farrugia missed the memo
When someone asks whether you’re going to accept responsibility
Amnesty bid to revoke licence for the Israeli spyware company linked to Maltese citizen
Human rights organisation Amnesty International is demanding Israel reign
Fraudster’s new scheme now uses Malta government’s endorsement
The Croatian who took off with thousands of euro
Fifth Malta cash-for-passports client charged with financial crime this year
Another new Maltese citizen has been charged with criminal
Igaming companies plan to sue White Flag, ask Maltese government to join
Igaming companies in Malta that together contributed tens of
Crane Currency excluded from contracts by Liberian government following scandal
Crane Currency has been excluded from all future contracts
Freedom of Information request on Environment Ministry’s involvement in White Flag rejected
A Freedom of Information request filed on the communication
The Shift’s investigation cancels plans for 40 White Flags in Seychelles
The Seychelles government has cancelled plans to have White
There’s a new game in town
There’s a new game in town. Well, it’s based
Freedom of Information request reveals €29,000 price tag for White Flag in Gozo
A contract being published for the first time shows
Identity Malta says Mustafa Abdel Wadood’s citizenship will be revoked
Identity Malta has confirmed that the process for the
No answers on what Malta is doing with Mustafa Abdel Wadood 
Identity Malta and the Maltese embassy in the US
Maltese citizen pleads guilty to fraud involving millions in US court
Maltese citizen Mustafa Abdel Wadood, 49, has pleaded guilty
European court rules against disgraced former Commissioner John Dalli
The European Court of Justice has concluded that there
Grand Theft Europe: Malta’s role in a scam worth €50 billion annually
Companies in Malta at the centre of scams by
Identity Malta mum on whether ‘Maltese man’ arrested in US could lose citizenship
Identity Malta has refused to say whether it would
UPDATED: Crane Currency accused of receiving kickbacks, facing criminal charges
Updated to include statement from Crane Currency. International manufacturer
Herrera, where is your accountability?
While the white flags are being torn apart in
MEPs back plan to freeze funds for countries who undermine rule of law
The European Parliament has backed the European Commission’s proposal
Croatian authorities suing the man behind the White Flag in Malta
Kristijan Curavić, the man behind the White Flag ‘environmental’
Bianca Jagger denies links with White Flag organisation endorsed by Malta
Former actress and human rights advocate Bianca Jagger is
An open letter to Minister Edward Scicluna from a whistleblower
An open letter to Edward Scicluna, Finance Minister and
Citizens of a parallel universe 
Living in Malta quite often feels like you’re in
Taxpayers set to fork out millions for plastic free beaches, but is it all a scam?
While government ministers have been falling over themselves for
‘Steer clear of Malta’ investors told at international conference on financial crime
Strong collaboration between countries was closing the net on
Thousands demand resignation of Czech PM over fraud scandal
Tens of thousands marched to call for the Czech

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