Shame on you, Abela – Kevin Cassar
Lo and behold, even Jason Micallef wanted a public
Abela’s ousted ministers share €318,000 from secret terminal benefits scheme
The latest reshuffle of Robert Abela’s cabinet has come
Bartolo canvasser accused of Rabat apartment block corruption walks free
Former minister Evarist Bartolo’s chief canvasser, Edward Caruana, who
Hospitals scandal: Joseph Muscat shifts blame from him and government to corruption by ‘third parties’
Former prime minister Joseph Muscat, on whose watch the
‘Free’ school transport costing taxpayers more than three times initial estimate
The cost of ‘free’ school transport for students of
The ‘institutions that work’ let Evarist Bartolo’s canvasser walk free
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. Evarist Bartolo’s former
FTS corruption: appeal filed against Edward Caruana’s acquittal
An urgent appeal has been filed by the police
Questions raised on magistrate’s acquittal of former minister’s aide
Lawyers are questioning the ruling by Magistrate Donatella Frendo
Kirkop and Safi primary students to be housed in mobile classrooms as FTS mismanagement continues
Taxpayers will be forking out over €1.5 million for
FTS staff claim ‘discrimination, dictatorship’ at agency – minister fails to act
The Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools (FTS) is riddled with
MCAST lecturer found guilty of abusive behaviour was promoted instead of sacked
Updated to include reactions from former MCAST Principal Stephen
Government slammed for allowing gross conflict of interest at MCAST
An inquiry concluded in 2019 and made public by
EXCLUSIVE: MCAST inquiry finds wide-scale fraud and falsification in recruitment procedures
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. The results of
Costs for new Msida school surge as foundations show severe structural problems
A new government primary school in Msida that was
Evarist Bartolo blames you
The nerve of some politicians. In Evarist Bartolo’s recent
Evarist Bartolo, Zen Warrior
It is two years almost to the month that
Prove us wrong, Robert Abela
Newly-returned Prime Minister Robert Abela starts his fresh legislature
Out with some of the old
The new leaders have been appointed. These are the
Former UCM director-general was employed despite ongoing fraud, embezzlement charges in Italy
Concerns about Malta’s reputation as an educational hub have
Election 2022: Out with the old, in with the new
Parliament will look very different in a few weeks’
The moral void – Kevin Cassar
A spokesperson for the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage confirmed
Trying to make hay while bombs rain down
Robert Abela is so far out of his depth
New primary school without compliance certificate after two years
A new primary school inaugurated by Prime Minister Robert
Former FTS chair slams Justyne Caruana
Michael Sant, the former chairman of the Foundation for
UPDATED: FTS employees feel short-changed by GWU
Government employees at the Foundation for Tomorrow Schools (FTS),
Permanent Secretary involved in FTS corruption scandal chosen as chief taxman
Joseph Caruana, the permanent secretary who had lost the
Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo picks individuals from his district to serve as ambassadors
Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo has nominated two of his
Court unfreezes Evarist Bartolo canvasser’s ‘corruption’ block, despite ongoing criminal case
In a rare and ‘surprising’ decision, Magistrate Donatella Frendo
Government ministry staff numbers jumped 14.6% in 2021, swelling total to almost 34,000
The number of employees in government ministries and departments

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