Agriculture Minister Refalo gives plum government job to his private practice manager
Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Anton Refalo has given a
Concrete belt: Four years down the line, PA still waiting for companies to fall in line
The Planning Authority is still waiting for construction companies
65 % in Malta think corruption in government is a big problem – survey
Two-thirds of Maltese people think that government corruption is
Dark clouds on the horizon
Robert Abela has chosen his hill to die on.
Small events to be allowed from 5 July but organisers slam lead-up as ‘discriminatory’
As event organisers across Malta complain of “unfair” and
Malta: zero progress in implementing the Whistleblower Directive
Malta is one of six European countries that have
You’re bankrolling personal fiefdoms
Robert Abela has problems on his hands, and they’re
It’s time to interrogate Paul Apap Bologna
Paul Apap Bologna has a secret offshore company called
In thrall to Destiny
The Ancient Greeks had an interesting relationship with fate
For the people or against?
“One is either for the people or against” Joseph
Unorganized lightning
Amid the myriad shock revelations of a government mired
Political responsibility is the new serenity
‘Political responsibility’ is the latest buzzword to capture the
St Vincent de Paul scandal: New deal increased cost to €327 million
The €274 million deal the government struck with DB
Here we go again
The time for platitudes is over. As yet another
European Parliament sends strong message to Maltese government: ‘End political protection and patronage of murderers’
Members of the European Parliament, including socialists, have adopted
EUROPOL highlights corruption in ‘serious organized crime threat assessment’
According to a EUROPOL report published on 12 March,
Muscat’s stooge
Where is disgraced former police chief Lawrence Cutajar? This
Egrant was a house of mirrors
The Shift’s recent investigation into Egrant revealed how the
Finding Egrant: What we know now
Egrant almost ended up owned by a Brazilian, which
We are not OK
It is enough to drive you insane. That feeling
SOCAR’s got a lot to hide
Azerbaijan’s State oil company didn’t want to share banking
Justice and atonement
The Easter period seems to have brought with it
Party financing must be overhauled if Malta’s to emerge from its distorted democracy – Graffitti
Malta is suffering from a “distortion of democracy” whereby
Skeletons dancing in the closet
Evarist Bartolo’s cringe-making Tim Sebastian interview was making the
Schembri’s deliberately tangled mess
The compilation of evidence in the case of Keith
Bail denied again for NexiaBT 4
Magistrate Donatella Frendo Dimech has denied bail to four
Joseph Muscat’s chief of staff Keith Schembri will head back to jail as magistrate lists concerns
Keith Schembri and other Kasco Group associates Malcolm Scerri
Yorgen Fenech’s Quad Towers con
As more news emerges on the intricate web of
Mabel Strickland’s heir says Allied Group must recover millions lost to graft
The ‘sole heir’ of Mabel Strickland, her nephew Robert

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