Zebbug thoroughfare ruined by construction debris, no action by BCA
Large stretches of Zebbug’s main thoroughfare, Mdina Road, are
Sofia inquiry: PN calls for ministers’ resignations as Abela commits to reform
Opposition leader Bernard Grech has called for the resignation
Government amended local plans dozens of times while claiming ‘hands were tied’
Extensive changes to local plans regulating building heights and
Abela hits panic button amid overpopulation woes
Prime Minister Robert Abela has ordered a number of
700 open, unenforced illegal development cases pile up at Planning Authority
The Planning Authority has yet to complete enforcement action
BCA did not provide documents for KTP investigation, Polidano files judicial protest
The Building and Construction Authority has refuted claims of
Construction reform blocked by Cabinet to avoid losing votes, public inquiry hears
The public inquiry into the death of Jean Paul
Mistra site boundary walls dismantled as works hasten ahead of EPRT review
Works at Mistra Village, Xemxija, to develop a nine-storey
Prime minister mum on reform to halt construction works under appeal
Prime Minister Robert Abela has refused to answer questions
Summer construction ban amended to allow for Mistra Village development
The Malta Tourism Authority and Building and Construction Authority
Ex-BCA Chair’s inquiry testimony ‘not true’, enforcement a ‘lacuna’ – KTP
Testimony heard at the Jean Paul Sofia Public Inquiry
Din l-Art Ħelwa in appeal to increase its planning objections and appeals
Din l-Art Ħelwa is appealing for funds to increase
Jean Paul Sofia’s parents keep up the pressure for public inquiry
Construction collapse victim Jean Paul Sofia’s mother Isabelle Bonnici
Collapse victim’s parents condemn PM’s opposition to public inquiry
Jean Paul Sofia’s parents condemned Prime Minister Robert Abela’s
Construction licensing too little too late in industry ‘overrun by anarchy’
Three years after the government’s commitment to implement change
Friends of PM’s contract for Għadira project cancelled
A half-million-euro public project that was to extend Mellieħa’s
Portelli files new PA application to expand Gozo flats village just weeks after getting original permit
Gozitan developer Joseph Portelli filed a new application to
The perils of renting in Malta – Ryan Murdock
Roadwork is in the news again as excavators create
Portelli’s latest ‘flats village’ got planning approval three days before elections
A large industrial complex once used to produce tomato
Court unfreezes Evarist Bartolo canvasser’s ‘corruption’ block, despite ongoing criminal case
In a rare and ‘surprising’ decision, Magistrate Donatella Frendo
‘Coalition for Gozo’ calls for immediate suspension of Xlendi boathouse development
Concern about rampant over-development in Gozo is mounting rapidly,
PA concealed crucial documents showing Dingli ODZ ‘tourist development’ includes residential element
The Planning Authority withheld crucial documents related to a
Planning Authority restricts access to public objections on its website, retracts decision
Updated to reflect the PA’s retraction of its decision
The scourge of twisted logic
A photo of what Xlendi will look like when
Pollution, greed and rude locals – why Malta’s expats are leaving
Construction, pollution and rubbish, “obscene” rental costs and unwelcoming
Dingli quarry has pending appeals from two decades ago, operates with impunity
A quarry on the outskirts of Dingli in which
Portelli and the politicians
Joseph Portelli, the Gozitan building contractor who appeared out
Hydrologist sounds alarm bells over Malta’s fragile water supply, cites ‘phenomenal’ increase in water demand
Malta’s dwindling capacity to retain groundwater and “phenomenal” increases
The secret plans of Ian Borg
There’s something very disturbing about what’s happening in Marsascala
Prime minister used architect later found guilty of Miriam Pace’s death on L-Iklin property deal
Roderick Camilleri, the architect who was found guilty of

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