EXCLUSIVE: Schembri used fake email to manipulate Electrogas negotiations
Aqra bil-Malti At a Glance: Keith Schembri testified under
Why Keith Schembri should remember opening his Panama company
Keith Schembri, former chief of staff of disgraced former
Keith Schembri downplays his role in Electrogas project during PAC grilling
In a rare public appearance, the chief of staff
Rosianne Cutajar’s poison – Kevin Cassar
Rosianne Cutajar is not just a deceitful cheating liar;
Subsidising energy while Electrogas scores
As the European Union sprints into recession, the finance
Muscat’s explanations still don’t add up
Five years ago today, a second and final test
Rosianne Cutajar should have ‘acted with greater care’ – PACE committee chairman concludes
Newly re-elected MP Rosianne Cutajar should have acted with
Schembri, Mizzi slapped with US travel ban
Former energy minister Konrad Mizzi and former OPM chief
One regime, many scandals
Last week, Malta’s President George Vella and Foreign Minister
International media organisations welcome Yorgen Fenech indictment but warn it’s not over yet
International press freedom organisations have welcomed the news of
Edward’s plagued acquaintances
What is your relationship with Yorgen Fenech? This was
Maltese government silent on whether it will seek access to German purchase of Dubai tax data leak
Malta government spokespeople have failed to respond to questions
UK case shows need for investigation into ‘Azerbaijani Laundromat’ payments to 17 Black
New information suggests that payments transferred to 17 Black’s
It’s time to interrogate Paul Apap Bologna
Paul Apap Bologna has a secret offshore company called
Egrant was a house of mirrors
The Shift’s recent investigation into Egrant revealed how the
Finding Egrant: What we know now
Egrant almost ended up owned by a Brazilian, which
SOCAR’s got a lot to hide
Azerbaijan’s State oil company didn’t want to share banking
‘Strong condemnation’ of continued persecution of journalist in Montenegro
International press freedom organisations have jointly condemned the ongoing
2020: A year of investigations despite a pandemic
Despite the circumstances brought about by the pandemic, The
‘You are not credible, I am sorry’ – former Chief Justice tells Keith Schembri
The public inquiry hearing on Monday touched upon a
Fenech and the Bangladeshi Schembri
Some countries specialise in technology, others specialise in services.
€16 million taken by Electrogas shareholders also hidden from European Commission
Electrogas shareholders hid over €16 million in ‘success fees’,
Your cowardice and greed killed Daphne
It’s a strange coincidence that my 100th column for
A tale of wilful blindness
Electrogas director and shareholder Paul Apap Bologna was cautioned
Your gift to Malta’s richest families
What an incredibly generous thing you did, paying Electrogas’
$2 million lobbying for Latvian bank used by suspect in journalist’s murder
ASG Resolution Capital, a company closely connected to Latvia’s
‘Dubai running after Malta’ to assist with 17 Black probe – Casa tells public inquiry
Contrary to testimonies made by former economic crimes unit
An epidemic of collective amnesia
Malta is suffering from an epidemic of collective amnesia.
Montenegro government ‘sloppy’ in its cover up of corruption in wind farm deal
Srdjan Milic, an independent Montenegrin MP who has written

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