Why are taxpayers forking out €1.4m to permit more air pollution?
In a recent report by the European Environment Agency,
The poster boy of democracy’s slow death
Konrad Mizzi has said he wants to complete the
International organisations raise alarm: ‘One year after arrests, no justice’
Nine international freedom of expression, press freedom, and professional
Disinformation #27: Manipulation of the NAO report on the power station deal
The National Audit Office (NAO) on Wednesday published its
No, Prime Minister – the law dictates otherwise
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has declared that he will
PD slams Opposition Leader’s decision to drop no confidence motion against Konrad Mizzi
Opposition Leader Adrian Delia’s decision to drop the motion
‘We expect arrests, interrogations and prosecution’
The report by the National Audit Office (NAO) published
We shall not be led ‘like sheep to the slaughter’
In 1783, one of the founding fathers of the
‘A worrying move by Malta’s Parliament to censor The Shift News’ – Reporters Without Borders
Reporters Without Borders’ (RSF) UK Bureau Director Rebecca Vincent
PD files no-confidence motion against Konrad Mizzi
Partit Demokratiku (PD) Leader Godfrey Farrugia and MP Marlene
On absurdity: Keith, Konrad and Caligula
The French philosopher Albert Camus used the Roman emperor
Oh my dystopian dream
Living in Malta increasingly feels like a dream. For
The Shift News reacts to Speaker’s ruling
The ruling by Speaker Anglu Farrugia in Parliament yesterday
Premier Pig and Panama Kon visit their overlord
In an interview days before the June 2017 election,
Ana Gomes asks Europol to investigate fake news portal
Socialist MEP Ana Gomes has asked the European Union’s law
Fake news portal behind attack on MEP Ana Gomes
The source of allegations on Socialist MEP Ana Gomes
Reporters Without Borders renews call for public inquiry after investigation leak
Reacting to contradictory information about the investigation on the
Manoel Island: another monster in the making?
The rough leaf-shape of Manoel Island could soon be
Caruana Galizia family ‘not informed’ of developments in investigation
The family of assassinated journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia has
Disinformation Watch #26: Toxic tactics on 17 Black
The government’s assault on information intensified last week, as
‘If we remain silent and divided, we will all choke’
In his address to citizens gathered to pay tribute
Malta is under attack, from the inside
I have sat back and watched with utter amazement
Government move to limit freedom of information ‘illegal’
The Prime Minister’s defence of Minister Konrad Mizzi’s clear
‘Daphne was right’ is the message marking 13 months since she was killed
‘Daphne was right’ appeared on banners and graffiti overnight
Make no mistake, Mizzi and Schembri must go 
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat might be playing for time
Occupy Justice demands police investigation on 17 Black
Activists from Occupy Justice lodged a formal report calling
Malta for Dummies #10: Bending the rules
In Malta, where everything is upside down and topsy-turvy,
Human Rights experts call for resignations related to 17 Black
Corrupt politicians foster a corrupt nation and it is
German authorities asked to investigate Siemens’ role in bribery allegations
German authorities have been requested to investigate bribery in
Disinformation Watch #25: Going for broke – 17 Black
Reacting to news revealing the mysterious owner of Dubai

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