Steward being sued over unpaid coffee bills
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Steward Health Care, which in
Opinion: Orange Jesus
“The things we do for Orange Jesus”, Republican Congressman
Il-Portafoll tal-BOV tas-self ‘mhux performattiv’ inbiegħ għal kwart tal-valur stmat
Read in English. Bosta sorsi kkonfermaw li l-portafoll tas-selfiet
Opinion: Keith Schembri is still at it
Aqra din l-opinjoni bil-Malti. On 12 December 2021, Sam
BOV portfolio of ‘non-performing’ loans sold for a quarter of its estimated value
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Multiple sources have confirmed that
ŻVELATI: Ix-xerrejja mistura ta’ portafoll tas-self tal-BOV li jiswa l-miljuni
You can read this article in English. Minn investigazzjoni
Council of Europe committee sees ‘no need for action’ on media, despite government delays
The Council of Europe’s committee of ministers “sees no
REVEALED: The undisclosed buyers of BOV loan portfolio worth millions
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti A company that has purchased
Opinion: Labour’s aura of secrecy
Aqra din l-opinjoni bil-Malti. “Falsehood flies, and truth comes
‘Inadequate planning’ at Active Ageing Ministry with ‘frequent’ direct contracts
The Active Ageing Ministry’s Community Care Department (AACC) was
Minister Dalli pushing disgraced former MFSA boss to take over Project Green
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli is pushing for appointing disgraced
Government amended local plans dozens of times while claiming ‘hands were tied’
Extensive changes to local plans regulating building heights and
Abbuż sistematiku u serq fis-sahra u fl-allowances fl-Isptar Monte Carmeli
Read this article in English. Fl-operat tas-Servizzi tas-Saħħa Mentali
Golden passport-funded NDSF has ‘no policies’ for dishing out profits – NAO
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The National Development and Social
Alfred Zammit appointed FIAU director despite track record
Alfred Zammit, former deputy director at the Financial Intelligence
Influencer paid €1000 to advertise, market state company with no competitors
A Labour TV personality, Claire Agius, is being paid
Constitutional reform committee left dormant by President Vella
Members of the bi-partisan Constitutional Reform Committee, tasked in
NAO: State broadcaster loses money across the board, despite €6 million in annual subsidies
Malta’s state broadcaster, PBS, has registered massive losses across
Late, over budget, €14m Cottonera pool complex did not deliver on promises
The €14 million Olympic-sized swimming pool at the Cottonera
Michelle Muscat’s drivers on state payroll rebranded as ‘logistics managers’
Michelle Muscat, the Marigold Foundation chairperson and wife of
Dalli spends €250,000 in direct orders on one-day meeting
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli spent €250,000 in direct orders
No safeguards for ‘irregular’ €600 Million incinerator tender bidders circumventing rules
The government’s electronic procurement system, which published in February
Hearing on ‘irregular’ €600 million incinerator focuses on decision makers
The names of Wasteserv evaluation committee members that awarded
Opinion: Freezing this Christmas
Daphne Caruana Galizia famously broke the news about the
IDPC tribunal rules in favour of the Shift, throws out remaining FOI appeals
The Maltese government has lost the remaining appeals it
Gozo apartment owners risk losses as court declares property illegal following PA blunder
A newly constructed block of apartments in Xewkija, Gozo,
‘Government biased in treatment of employees facing criminal charges’ – lawyers
The Maltese government is facing accusations of discrimination that
L-offerent rakkomandat għal €600 miljun inċineratur kien investigat fi Franza fl-2022
This article is available in English. Is-CEO tal-kumpanija Franċiża
European Parliament raises fresh concerns on rule of law
During a European Parliament discussion on Monday on the

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