Anger at the increasing takeover of public beaches by private interests
A St Paul’s Bay resident raised the alarm on
‘Small patch to cover a big hole’: Doctors critical of plan to outsource emergency services
The government’s plan to outsource emergency services to private
‘Strong’ proposals for floating solar farm off Delimara to remain under wraps
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli and the government-controlled Regulator for
Confirmed: 2023 electricity failure was result of lack of investment in grid – report
State energy company Enemalta did the opposite of what
Fact-checking Malta’s delegation to UN committee – Daphne Foundation
In a statement today, The Daphne Foundation fact-checked what
Joseph Muscat’s jailbird friends
You can tell a lot about a person by
Money laundering: Will Malta’s prosecutors fumble the ball?
A court in Panama has acquitted twenty-eight people charged
Concerns on press freedom in Malta sustained in new report
Access to information remains a pressing concern in Malta,
Government awards late, overbudget pool as its ‘project of the year’
A €14 million Olympic-sized pool at the Cottonera Sports
Former Enemalta Chair admits Montenegro wind farm deal was not in Malta’s interest
Jonathan Scerri, Enemalta chairman between 2021 and 2022, admitted
Bumpy ride expected for Zammit Lewis en route to Luxembourg
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s nominee for the post of
Court throws out decision on €600 million incinerator
Aqra bil-Malti. Multinational consortium Hitachi-Terna has won the appeal
Sheep farm application coincides with applicant’s son contesting local council elections
An application submission to turn public ODZ farmland in
Mosta mayorship challenger on three government jobs
Former Labour MP Anthony Agius Decelis has been appointed
The truth, one story at a time: The Shift launches crowdfunding campaign
We stand at a pivotal moment. Our investigations into
What Joseph Muscat had in court was not a heroes’ welcome
Aqra bil-Malti. “Absolutely not guilty,” disgraced former prime minister
Gozitan teacher annexes public playing field to his house
The Lands Authority has not taken action against a
Police protection required for journalists at Joseph Muscat’s arraignment
Journalists covering the court hearing next week of disgraced
The government’s crisis management tactics remain unchanged
Over the last couple of weeks,  government officials have
MFSA CEO silent as Edward Scicluna would not meet ‘fit and proper’ rules
Central Bank Governor Edward Scicluna, facing criminal charges in
Archbishop silent on charges faced by Curia financial committee member
Aqra bil-Malti. Archbishop Charles Scicluna is refusing to answer
Disinformation Watch: ‘The Establishment’ – a phantom enemy
A good gauge of political unrest is when politicians
Malta still among the worst-ranking countries in EU for press freedom: RSF
The latest World Press Freedom Index report by Reporters
PBS director supplied Robert Abela’s New York tickets
Hamilton Travel, owned by Labour stalwart and PBS board
Report confirms shoddy work on €13 million shooting range
A technical report by government consultant Robert Musumeci confirms
BA directive against Roberta Metsola ‘unprecedented’, must be suspended
The European Parliament office in Malta has reacted to
From Naxxar to Namibia: Councillor to be appointed ambassador
Malta’s Foreign Minister Ian Borg has nominated a Labour
Latest Project Green marketing effort to promote disgraced CEO backfires
A new marketing campaign to promote the recent appointment
Comino deckchairs: minister issues third extension without tender
Aqra bil-Malti Despite promising to take action, Tourism Minister
Government silent on costs of new Visit Malta Cup in London
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo and Malta Tourism Authority CEO

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