Extraordinary claims
Research, a word we hear so often these days.
Dalli’s turn in the dock
Shamed and humiliated former EU commissioner John Dalli is
The unexpected return of the NIMBY voter
Beyond the world of polls and surveys where Labour
What next, SLAPPing MPs?
Let’s start from the first principles: the SLAPP suit
The controlled explosion
Nothing shows how much has changed in the relationship
No free passes, George Vella
We’ve been treated often enough to the sight of
Facts don’t matter
“One News was incorrect and not faithful to the
Malta enabled a money laundering machine
The failings of due diligence in every possible sphere
Pilatus Bank: too little, too late
The FIAU has fined shuttered money-launderette Pilatus Bank €4.9
The vote buyer
“I have a duty to help whenever possible”.  This
Swallowing red herrings
Crazy just keeps getting crazier on this insane island.
Culture of impunity allows deceit and dishonesty to run rampant
We’ve all been the victims of lies propagated by
The worlds we live in
I spent a good month in Gozo this summer.
The rich pay cheap, the poor pay dear
It was Aristotle who observed that the rich pay
Marsascala is more than a bay, it’s a community a marina would kill
I spent 10 years of my life in Marsascala.
Pre-election vote buying has already begun
Finance Minister Clyde Caruana wants you to know that
The secret plans of Ian Borg
There’s something very disturbing about what’s happening in Marsascala
Divine accountability
“That which I do, I do before God”. This
Shut up and go away
Accused murderer and alleged importer of a massacre-worthy quantity
Nasty ideas and the intent to cause harm
There is an argument to be made that controversy
What’s up?
I am not referring to the chat application frequently
The Fall
“You are a father and a family man, what
Conscience of the State
President George Vella and his conscience are in the
Sleeping with the fishes
The publication of the conclusions of the public inquiry
Whose interests are being served?
Malta’s rusted wheels of justice have clanked and squealed
Speak up now, Yorgen Fenech
It’s taken far too long, but finally, it’s been
Fearne’s fuel 
On 23 November 1996, three young Ethiopians hijacked Flight
Robert the Weak
Robert I, popularly known as Robert the Bruce, was
5 Covid-19 vaccine myths explained
Despite Malta’s successful vaccination rate against Covid-19, and the
Bedingfield’s banality
Why do ordinary people do appalling things? The political

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