Celebrating a shipwreck?
Crowds will throng the streets of Valletta today to
Enemy of the State
For the last several years, faced with many government
Maltese courts are a continental embarrassment
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) routinely trashes
The elephant in the room is only getting bigger
The people’s virus The weekend began with the virtual
Abela’s can, Muscat’s worms
Consider these two extraordinary cases. A minister does the
Well that didn’t last very long, did it?
Robert Abela cast a faint glow of hope during
If this is governance…
This has been the week in which the Prime
Restoration won’t fix flawed democracy
It’s easier to gain five kilos than to lose
You’re about to reap what Joseph Muscat sowed
If you want to know the truth, read the
Exhaustion, hope and opportunity
The end of January is drawing near, and the
Resignation is not absolution
Robert Abela’s era is being heralded as a glorious
Keep an eye on fake news
To evaluate Robert Abela’s first week as Prime Minister,
Robert Abela set a new record
On his first day in office, Abela gave to
Change, not continuity
During the Labour Party leadership campaign, Robert Abela was
If this is normal
Sunday morning broke with the news that Robert Abela
Robert Abela faces the world
So, it’s Robert Abela, after all, who’s our next
Who changed Omtzigt’s Wikipedia page?
Council of Europe Special Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt described being
Pushing for change
A month ago, soon after Joseph Muscat announced his
The Unbearable Ugliness of Being Joseph
Kemm hu ikrah li tkun intom. (How ugly it
Joseph Muscat’s insurance policy
One week to go and Labour gets a new
Just say no, Joseph
Just because someone offers you something doesn’t mean you
Let’s have the whole truth in 2020
Yesterday evening, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat broadcast his final
Vox Populi, Vox Dei
This must have been the longest December in the
On Joseph Muscat’s watch
He kept insisting he wanted to resolve the Daphne
Setting the future straight
Today is Christmas day and the shocking events of
There is no darkness but ignorance
Winter has come. It was announced with the shortest
Ask what you can do for your country
A lot of us have spent over three years
Living in bubbles that burst
Opposition leader Adrian Delia has won the Constitutional case
Uncomfortably dumb through Yuletide
We’ve put an ignominious Republic Day commemoration behind us,
Malta’s exportable Art of the Shady Deal
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