Autocratic and abusive
The government is targeting its critics again. This time
Fearne knew nothing, but backed Vitals anyway
Chris Fearne knew nothing and was not involved in
Hot under the collar
That press conference. People were still talking about it
Dodger’s gone, Dodge City remains
Babylon had Hammurabi. Judaism had Moses. Classical Athens had
Under pressure
Watching Robert Abela’s extraordinary response to legitimate questions from
It’s time to start holding Joseph Muscat accountable
Oops, he did it again. Joseph Muscat’s been found
Unexplained Wealth Orders: Why Edward Zammit Lewis shot them down
Zamora Hajiyeva, an Azerbaijani banker’s wife, spent €16 million
Oceania 1984, Malta 2021
The flashes began with the news that Assistant Commissioner
For a future that guarantees the past
The President’s conference on national unity yesterday was held
Don’t give me away
Don’t give me away, someone once said to his
It doesn’t end here
Robert Abela wants you to believe that the confession
The rise and fall of James Piscopo: How Keith Schembri handed him the Black Spot
In Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island’, pirate captain Billy
We could be anti-heroes
The end of this month brought with it the
Patriotism and character
The other day, as I was listening to the
Frying pans and fire
What a disappointment Bernard Grech is turning out to
Standards are worthless without accountability
Regulations exist on paper, but laws are only as
What you know, not who you know: How Labour duped the nation
Your house is flooded. You contact water services and
Partial Law
I was almost tempted to waste another article dissecting
The hitchhiker’s guide to conspiracy theories
Even a brief guide to conspiracy theories must acknowledge
Malta’s gullible rabble
“Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make
The Moody blues
Edward Zammit Lewis wants you to know everything’s orrajt
Fomm ir-Rih: How Aaron Farrugia betrayed the nation
A man erected a gate on his land. And
Unity: the new opiate of the people
The news that President George Vella has announced a
Not in the public interest
Elsewhere, he’d be a public broadcaster’s worst nightmare. Here,
Cashing in with a little help from their friend
It pays to be friends with Konrad Mizzi. I
A non-apology for a non-story
“While it is a fact that the current Leader
Heaven is a place on earth
There is an old Maltese saying that goes, ‘Bil-flus
Robert Abela waves the rules
Robert Abela’s place in history was already secure. Here,
Malta hit another all-time low
Malta plummeted to a “new all-time low” in this
Borg’s blasphemy
Minister Ian Borg blasphemed – in public, on live

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