The battle for our minds
Tory Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s strategy, from a position
The excuse of hindsight, or a vision with foresight?
Joseph Muscat walked up the Auberge de Castille staircase
Journalists should be pussycats not watchdogs
The implications of last week’s court decision by Judge
The future is female, wiping out the past
Joseph Muscat gave a speech at the United Nations
A stillborn inquiry
This week British members of parliament railed against their
It’s my turn to eat
If you watched it, you’ll remember how you felt
Women on the way out
Two of our very few, experienced women politicians are
The inquiry of forking paths
All eyes have been on the Board members of
Diverting public attention from the story that won’t die
In the make-belief land of Malta, perception matters more
On your marks, get set… not yet
Will he go or won’t he? When Joseph Muscat
‘Getting Things Done’ while everyone is stuck in traffic
Ian Borg may be ‘Getting Things Done’, but you
Spinning away an award
Had Caroline Muscat won the Reporters Without Borders (RSF)
False neutrality isn’t non-partisan
The Council of Europe said this. Muscat said that.
Protests, pledges and politicians
Last Saturday’s environmental protest brought together many different parts
Ending the siege mentality
One of the dominant ways in which we think
The silent coup in Valletta
Loud street protests are all over the news. People
At least, we’re not Malta
We’re not Malta, fortunately. That was the sentiment expressed
In favour of development
Moviment Graffitti has a great slogan – Iż-żejjed kollu
Creating a climate of fear
I once robbed from the rich and gave to
Freedom stuck in the middle seat
If I had to compare the fate of liberty
Your MPs have to do better than that
Government politicians and their hangers on have stuck a
The pen that stung the Republic
A glimpse of a small arm tattoo recently took
The Jekyll and Hyde of equality
Several times in the early part of his premiership,
There’s a new game in town
There’s a new game in town. Well, it’s based
Keeping scrutiny at bay
Leadership style matters. The same situation can be handled
It’s about injustice, not only trees
We knew it already but the government’s actions underline
Divide and rule
The streets of Malta are choked with cars, and
The shield and the bulldozer
In the blazing summer sun, anger at the building
Yes, the Attard protests are political
Of all the lessons that history teaches us about
Trees are not a perception
The Prime Minister takes perceptions seriously and has lodged

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