Banking the unbankable – Kevin Cassar
Robert Abela has nowhere to hide. A 400-page report
Labour covers up for Yorgen Fenech – Kevin Cassar
Labour has been battling to conceal how former assistant
State Advocate defends Labour’s robbery
The Labour Party has been occupying a beautiful three-storey
The silence of arrogance – Kevin Cassar
Do you know whether the prime minister owns the
The smokescreen – Kevin Cassar
“No visible disciplinary or criminal justice response to claims
Rosianne’s revenge – Kevin Cassar
Rosianne Cutajar has finally been kicked out. She didn’t
The smokescreen – Kevin Cassar
On 3 April 2019, The Economist reported the Council
Abela’s humble hypocrisy – Kevin Cassar
“They are still an elitist clan who think they
Rosianne Cutajar’s poison – Kevin Cassar
Rosianne Cutajar is not just a deceitful cheating liar;
Robert Abela’s false narrative on public hospitals’ deal continues to deceive
Robert Abela is defending Steward Health Care. But he’s
George Vella is waiting – Kevin Cassar
President George Vella, a doctor by profession, hasn’t uttered
Saviour Balzan’s transparency
“I have no problem being transparent,” Saviour Balzan declared
Flip-flopping Abela
On 24 February 2023, after a devastating court judgement
Byron in the dark
‘Camilleri says he was kept in the dark over
Steward Health Care wants those €100 million – Kevin Cassar
Steward Health Care is appealing. Joseph Muscat and Konrad
Still plundering – Kevin Cassar
Barely days after the court lambasted Labour for the
Setting the Commissioner’s standards – Kevin Cassar
The Standards Commissioner had barely been sworn in.  And
The Pharisee – Kevin Cassar
Jesus told the parable of the Pharisee and the
Abela’s amazing power – Kevin Cassar
Thunder struck the island. HSBC, at least momentarily, doubled
Jettisoned – Kevin Cassar
Joseph Muscat has been dumped. Even Robert Abela, his
Muscat’s cabinet omerta’ – Kevin Cassar
“Cabinet endorsed all decisions,” Muscat declared. “I confirm that
Who, me? Corrupt? – Kevin Cassar
“The references to fraud in the court judgement in
Steward’s shock – Kevin Cassar
“Preliminary reviews of the judgement showed it contained significant
Clayton rewrites history – Kevin Cassar
Minister Clayton Bartolo was asked in parliament how Pierre
Labour’s new poor – Kevin Cassar
The average apartment in Malta costs €300,000. That’s the
What’s Robert Abela waiting for?
The mother of Jean Paul Sofia, who died under
Silence: ‘The mobsters’ choice’
“You see, the mob takes the Fifth – if
Abela’s Triumph of the Will
In 1934 the German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl produced an
Nothing can touch him
“This week I had the opportunity to speak with
Byron’s lunacy
“This restriction impacts directly not only on the right

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