Julia’s joke
“Some people might think parliamentary questions are a waste
The serenity of the institutions
A 20-year-old was assaulted, stabbed 17 times and her
Glenn Bedingfield’s emperor
“It is a bitter experience to have a Standards
Will Gafa never learn?
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa
Supercyrus and psychedelics
Cyrus Engerer is on another dicey mission. He’s all
Malta, the Mafia’s paradise
The EU’s smallest member state, Malta, has become the
Ask questions, face the consequence
Karen Gravano, the daughter of a mafia boss, noticed
Fighting corruption for real
Eva Kaili, until a little while ago a European
The blindness of arrogance
What should have been a mature informed debate has
The unbelievable Owen Bonnici – Kevin Cassar
Owen Bonnici has praised an EU plan to stop
Labour’s ‘strong economy’ is making the people poorer
If the economy is so much stronger under Labour,
Silvio Schembri courted catastrophe
Minister Silvio Schembri tweeted in April 2018 the flattering
Nothing to hide
Frederick Azzopardi, former Infrastructure Malta CEO, insists he has
Labour’s illegal handover – Kevin Cassar
Robert Abela’s government broke the law.  It knew it
The institutions are working… to protect those close to Robert Abela
The institutions are still working – but only for
Owen Bonnici, just go
Owen Bonnici is an embarrassment to his party, his
Desperately defending Pilatus
“It’s not that we want to hide the truth”,
Owen Bonnici’s 150%
While the saga of the Malta Philharmonic orchestra played
The price of Labour’s myths
The Bank of England has just announced that Britain
Orchestral tragedies     
“The orchestra has terminated the cooperation with its chief
A propagandist, not a pollster
On 30 October 2022, Vincent Marmara uploaded a post
What assets is Robert Abela hiding?
Prime minister Robert Abela has finally submitted the declarations
The disgraceful Broadcasting Authority
Iosif Galea was extradited to Germany by Italian authorities.
Joseph Muscat must be held accountable
“The central cause was one man… who many others
Magistrate Nadine Lia – time to go
Magistrate Lia has no decent option left but to
Life after Labour – Kevin Cassar
“Grech obtains the worst results,” was Labour TV ONE’s
Abela is part of it
“How do you react to what we’ve found out
Miriam the miser and deceiver
Minister Miriam Dalli just announced we’ll be getting a
Human Rights Commissioner exposes Robert Abela’s lies
The first thing the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for
How Abela killed the commissioner
Prime Minister Robert Abela requested personal information about the

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