Gafa’s gaffes
Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa finally called a press conference.
Reputation laundering
Which company did Aleksander Lukashenko, Europe’s last dictator of
The ruin of dishonesty
“We didn’t deserve it”. “Only three countries wanted us
How positivity ebbs
The ever positive former prime minister Joseph Muscat is
 The pontificating poser
“This poser was behind the greatest lie of the
Abusing the bereaved
Glenn Bedingfield, in his latest parliamentary streak of callousness,
Jason Micallef’s foreign interference
President George Vella called for an end to politically
Robert Abela’s fantasies
With a straight face Robert Abela announced Malta will
Uncivil defender of the nation
Alex Agius Saliba’s face, contorted with hostility and wounded
If you can, you must
Doctors are trained to heal.  They have the capability
Parallel scandals
The former prime minister was sentenced to 12 years
Curiouser and curiouser
After eating magic cake, Alice’s neck shot up like
For the people or against?
“One is either for the people or against” Joseph
Unfit for office
Minister Carmelo Abela is so dishonourable that he disgraces
Truth is the enemy
“The PN turned the European Parliament against Malta with
Passport perfidy
“We have to agree that the passport programme is
Waiting for Godot
Two tramps, Estragon and Vladimir, stand idly by a
Of core principles and values
Ramona Attard, Labour Party president, regaled us with more
Labour’s ‘responsible’ drug abuse
Cannabis is Labour’s latest distraction tactic. In its relentless
How Labour protects and promotes criminals
“The Labour Party does not protect criminals,” Labour President
The duty of candour
On 24 March 2005, Andreas Lubitz deliberately crashed a
Different puppet, same moves
A minister in Robert Abela’s government was involved in
Private opulence amid public squalor
Publice egestas, privatim opulentia – public squalor, private opulence
Fearne knew nothing, but backed Vitals anyway
Chris Fearne knew nothing and was not involved in
Unexplained Wealth Orders: Why Edward Zammit Lewis shot them down
Zamora Hajiyeva, an Azerbaijani banker’s wife, spent €16 million
The rise and fall of James Piscopo: How Keith Schembri handed him the Black Spot
In Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island’, pirate captain Billy
What you know, not who you know: How Labour duped the nation
Your house is flooded. You contact water services and
Fomm ir-Rih: How Aaron Farrugia betrayed the nation
A man erected a gate on his land. And
A non-apology for a non-story
“While it is a fact that the current Leader
Borg’s blasphemy
Minister Ian Borg blasphemed – in public, on live

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