Only in Malta
A hilarious local website exposes the absurd and ridiculous
Opinion: Justice is not a witch hunt
Joseph Muscat reacted to the damning court sentence calling
Opinion: Waiting for the magistrate
On 19 June 2016, Ram Tumuluri, standing next to
Opinion: Integrity counts
In March 2023, the court declared the Vitals hospital
Opinion: The dominoes will fall
Sidney Powell was the wildest of Donald Trump’s diehards
Opinion: The President, still failing in his duty
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. When you think President
Opinion: Caruana Galizia’s nightmare still isn’t over
Almost six years to the day since Daphne Caruana
Opinjoni: Post perikoluż u riskjuż
This article is available in English. Nhar is-7 ta’
Opinion: Abela’s monstrosity
Would you give a dangerous driver a licence? Would
Opinion: An unsafe, threatening place
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti On 7 July 2017, Minister
Opinion: Protecting Paul
In the UK, a nurse who claimed overtime payments
Opinion: Labour’s institutionalised lawlessness
The Times of Malta just exposed another massive scandal
Opinion: The irresponsibility of power
“Vote for me, I’m not responsible for anything” should
Opinion: A change of plans
On 1 June, Robert Abela declared, “The PN, while
Polidano’s payback
The Chamber of Architects concluded that Charles Polidano, iċ-Ċaqnu, was
Why Robert Abela fears the truth
Why is Robert Abela always hiding the truth? Why
Opinion: Covering his own arse
“Don’t you think you should have resigned?” Minister Michael
Opinion: Touch Labour and burn
He who sups with the devil should have a
Opinion: The resignation that wasn’t
“What will her salary be?” a journalist asked Owen
Opinion: A cunning plan
Speaker Anglu Farrugia and Standards Commissioner Joseph Azzopardi hatched
Opinion: Another attack on Malta?
One Saturday morning in August 2021, the secretary of
Opinion: The Commissioner’s cover up
Have you ever rented a car while on holiday
Opinion: Owen’s abject cronyism
“I go for those I believe have the best
Opinion: Course correction
“If you have a proposal that’s not in line
Keep dreaming – Kevin Cassar
“Let’s dream big,” Robert Abela urged the nation.  “Air
Get up and walk – Kevin Cassar
The desperate father pleaded with the master, “Please come
Et tu, Clyde? – Kevin Cassar
Clyde Caruana wrote to the Speaker of the House
Michael Farrugia: Another shameless liar – Kevin Cassar
Former minister Michael Farrugia is a liar.  That was
The wrong man for the job – Kevin Cassar
Robert Abela got his Justice Minister to present the
Self-suspending her self-suspension – Kevin Cassar
“As a lone individual, as a woman, I managed

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