What the inquiry truly revealed – Kevin Cassar
On that fateful December day when a Kordin building
Abela’s nosedives – Kevin Cassar
‘At least four die of heat-related issues over weekend’
Labour’s Summer of Hell – Kevin Cassar
It’s 5 August 5 2021.  Energy Minister Miriam Dalli
Abela the autocrat – Kevin Cassar
Last Monday, Prime Minister Robert Abela unilaterally overturned a
Abela believed in the institutions – Kevin Cassar
“I tried to protect the institution, and then the
Shame on you, Abela – Kevin Cassar
Lo and behold, even Jason Micallef wanted a public
Orwellian incoherence – Kevin Cassar
Watch Clayton Bartolo play Vicky Pollard from ‘Little Britain’
Go on, sail away – Kevin Cassar
Within 24 hours of those agonising scenes inside and
Miriam Dalli’s child exploitation – Kevin Cassar
What does the Commissioner for Children do when a
The country knows – Kevin Cassar
Silvio Schembri just gave away public land worth over
Robert and Lydia Abela: Why? – Kevin Cassar
Former ONE chairman Jason Micallef was absolutely right. “The
Joseph Muscat’s fading memory – Kevin Cassar
Joseph Muscat confirmed that nobody should believe a word
The AG’s cover is blown – Kevin Cassar
Nobody believes Attorney General Victoria Buttigieg – not even
Robert Abela does a Rishi – Kevin Cassar
“I say to members of my own party that
The stellar Konrad Mizzi – Kevin Cassar
Konrad Mizzi is “stellar”, according to Joseph Muscat. Mizzi
She’s against me – Kevin Cassar
“She’s against me,” Joseph Muscat declared in court referring
Labour is to blame for Muscat’s threats – Kevin Cassar
As awful as it was, Joseph Muscat’s interview with
How Labour endangered another journalist – Kevin Cassar
Malta’s Labour government has just been roundly condemned by
No more Mr Clean – Kevin Cassar
Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat is providing ‘consultancy’
Lord of the lies – Kevin Cassar
“The consistent message that emerged from every part of
A very dirty plan – Kevin Cassar
On 1 September 2017, Armin Ernst phoned Keith Schembri
Robert Abela insists he’s right – Kevin Cassar
Robert Abela announced: “The National Audit Office (NAO) report
Lying everyday and proud of it – Kevin Cassar
“It is our principles of social justice that spur
Abela humiliates Malta – Kevin Cassar
“We took decisive action to step up our fight
Fight against the party
“Fight against the party,” read the thousands of leaflets
Transport Malta is falling apart
“Mention one case at Transport Malta in my time
Robert Abela learnt a lot
Malta went through “some difficulties” in the last few
Cracking down on dissent
“I stand by every word that I have said,
The silent and slavish Attorney General
Minister Jonathan Attard told Attorney General Victoria Buttigieg what
Paul’s persecution – Kevin Cassar
Labour’s rabble-rouser-in-chief Manuel Cuschieri has launched a frontal attack

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