Blundering Byron
The day after Malta police went on a rampage,
Robert Abela’s sham
“The committee sees no reason why the economic wealth
Is it too much to ask why she died?
“Over the years the AFM saved thousands of lives,”
Magistrate Lia defends lawyer Lia
Magistrate Nadine Lia is digging her heels in. She’s
Scicluna’s shameless secrecy
“It was my prerogative, and I don’t need to
A new president at last
On 30 August, a new president was finally appointed. 
The fugitive who’s not a fugitive
When is a fugitive not a fugitive? Magistrate Donatella
Disgraced former prime minister jailed
The disgraced former prime minister has finally been sentenced
Mizzi, the observer – Kevin Cassar
“I was just an observer”, Konrad Mizzi claimed when
Lill-ex canvasser ta’ Evarist Bartolo, ‘l-istituzzjonijiet li jaqdu dmirhom’ ħelsuh
Read in English L-ex canvasser ta’ Evarist Bartolo nħeles
The ‘institutions that work’ let Evarist Bartolo’s canvasser walk free
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. Evarist Bartolo’s former
Monetising Vilhena Palace
Malta’s National Museum of Natural History has been suddenly
Clayton’s fiction – Kevin Cassar
“I will stick to my word and table those
Why Abela’s done nothing
Why has Robert Abela completely ignored all the recommendations
Muscat’s mob rule
“Our voice is not one crying in the desert
Malta: a pseudo-democracy
Britain’s chaotic exit from the EU. Putin’s war in
Embracing tyrants – Kevin Cassar
“Will they call von der Leyen corrupt?  Will they
Sliding relentlessly to autocracy
Robert Abela’s new cabinet was sworn in.  Since then,
Disgraceful terms, disgraceful exits
Boris Johnson is done, and what an exit. The
Tailspin – Kevin Cassar
Time flies when we’re having fun. The gap between
The lucky lackey – Kevin Cassar
Konrad Mizzi’s right-hand man, Ronald Mizzi, turned 40 yesterday. 
L-ilsir li ma jaħsibx huwa lsir kuntent – Kevin Cassar
You can read this article in English here “M’hemmx
The thoughtless slave is a happy slave – Kevin Cassar
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. “None are more
Jason Micallef’s disgust – Kevin Cassar
Not even Jason Micallef, ONE chairman, and Emanuel Cuschieri,
Who’s really in charge? – Kevin Cassar
Steve Cachia gave an interview to Noticias Agricolas in
Labour undermining security – Kevin Cassar
“The news was dominated by the story of Iosif
The happy fibber – Kevin Cassar
“I am very happy,” Edward Zammit Lewis declared. Had
Evviva l-impunità
Read this article in English here. Fid-29 ta’ Ġunju
Impunity rules
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. On 29 June
Refalo thinks it’s funny
A long lost Picasso, Femme Couche VI, was hanging

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