Abuse of ID system: 11 Italians registered as ‘living’ with Darren Debono
Darren Debono, the former international footballer, currently facing money
Start of Turtle-dove migration leads to illegal hunting of protected species in spring
With the first signs of Turtle-dove migration over Malta
Infrastructure Malta installs €350,000 water pipeline leading to… an abandoned factory
A new heavy-duty water pipeline has been installed in
James Piscopo becomes Zammit Tabona’s advisor
James Piscopo, the former CEO of the Labour Party,
Finding Egrant: What we know now
Egrant almost ended up owned by a Brazilian, which
Minister places convicted fraudster in charge of elderly services
The Minister for the Elderly, Micheal Farrugia, has recruited
Minister’s wife continues her private practice while appointed manager at Transport Malta
Transport Malta has set special working conditions for Deborah
Maltese newsrooms unite against contempt of court charges over public interest stories
“Criminalising such stories is the very opposite of what
Marigold Foundation given over €500,000 in taxpayer funds while Joseph Muscat was PM
As NGOs currently navigate increasing red tape to raise
John Dalli appears on Indian tycoon’s application for Dwejra development, despite denials
The personal email address of disgraced former European Commissioner
Convent turned into Gozo Ministry offices by direct order
Dozens of employees at the Gozo Ministry have started
SOCAR fails in legal bid to block Latvian investigation into secret Malta LNG agreement
A Federal Court in Switzerland has thrown out Azerbaijan’s
Government-Corinthia negotiations on Hal Ferh site kept under wraps
The government and the Corinthia Group are currently conducting
Italy: Journalists’ phones wiretapped by prosecutors
A number of Italian journalists had their phones wiretapped
NexiaBT 4 granted bail
Nexia BT partners Brian Tonna and Karl Cini were
Vince Buhagiar retained his position while Allied Group internal probe was ongoing
Vince Buhagiar, who is facing a list of charges
New PBS chair only six months after government appointed a new board
A new PBS Chair has been appointed only six
Ferry service operator benefits from further concessions granted in contested extension
A highly contested three-year extension of a public concession
PM terminates €5,000-a-month consultancy to footballer but mum on action against Minister
Prime Minister Robert Abela would not say what action
Degiorgio brothers want their request for a presidential pardon taken ‘seriously’
Brothers Alfred and George Degiorgio have said they have
Joseph Muscat’s chief of staff Keith Schembri will head back to jail as magistrate lists concerns
Keith Schembri and other Kasco Group associates Malcolm Scerri
Transport Ministry spends €60 million on direct orders in 3 years
The Transport Ministry has dished out almost €60 million
Mabel Strickland’s heir says Allied Group must recover millions lost to graft
The ‘sole heir’ of Mabel Strickland, her nephew Robert
Moviment Graffitti enters second week of actions in Dingli
Activist group Moviment Graffitti said it “has no intention
Corruption: ‘The actions of the few are damaging Malta’s second largest industry’
Anyone who is or was involved in corruption and
Second request for investigation to Standards Commissioner on Justyne Caruana
A second call for a probe into the conduct
Abandoned explosives factory in Natura 2000 site proposed for tourism development
A large abandoned complex used in the 80s as
Representatives of financial services firm Zenith (formerly MFSP) face money laundering charges
Lorraine Falzon and Matthew Pace from Zenith (formerly MFSP),
Nexia BT in the dock
The first hearing in a compilation of evidence against

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