Minister’s wife continues her private practice while appointed manager at Transport Malta

Deborah Camilleri holds two taxpayer-financed jobs.


Transport Malta has set special working conditions for Deborah Camilleri, the wife of Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri, allowing the lawyer to continue with her private legal practice while on a full time salary at the government agency.

Deborah Camilleri, formerly Mercieca, was last year recruited through a public call as Gozo Manager for Transport Malta. She replaced her husband, an architect, who had to leave the post when he was made Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture and who is now Gozo Minister.

Based at the agency’s offices at Tigrija Palazz complex, at the centre of Victoria, Camilleri is supposed to be working office hours, like the rest of her colleagues (whom she manages).

Yet Camilleri is seen defending her clients on a daily basis at the Gozo Courts – situated a stone’s throw away from her Transport Malta desk.

In addition, the Gozo Minister’s wife was also appointed by Justice Minister Edward Zammit Lewis to serve as one of three Gozitan lawyers to provide legal assistance offered by the State to those facing court charges and cannot afford to hire a private lawyer.

The other two legal aid lawyers selected by the Justice Minister are Kevin Mompalao, currently also serving as a policy consultant to Gozitan Agriculture Minister Anton Refalo, and Joseph Grech, a former Gozo Channel chairman and currently also appointed by the government as the chairman of the Ornis Committee under the remit of Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri.

Transport Malta sources told The Shift that while the Gozo Minister’s wife is considered “the Transport Malta boss in Gozo, she is rarely at the office” because of the load of her private work.

“You can just imagine the example being given to her subordinates,” an employee told The Shift.

A spokesperson for the Transport Ministry confirmed the Minister’s wife has been given special conditions to perform her duties. Although she is paid a top salary for the role, she was given permission to continue with her private legal practice “as long as this is not in conflict with her position at the Authority”.

“Dr Camilleri works a minimum of 40 hours per week which can be spread over the whole week,” he said.

Unlike other Transport Malta managers, Camilleri is permitted to prioritise her private practice, performing her duties over seven days a week, rather than the five days when the office is actually open to deal with requests from the public.


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3 years ago

Work from home. Special terms. Kullħadd għandu l-ispejjeż, u paga ta ministru ma tlaħħaqx.

Peter Vella
Peter Vella
3 years ago

From forty years experience I learnt that most Gozitans have between 2 and 5 jobs. The declared job is with the government. The others are all private jobs which do not show anywhere. It could be a fisherman, farmer, construction, waiter, driver etc. If an inspection is carried out by any Government department in Malta, everyone is usually found on the job, no worries! This is the close-knit community of Gozo. And things are becoming worse.

Joseph Tabone Adami
Joseph Tabone Adami
3 years ago
Reply to  Peter Vella

Are things are becoming worse? No. They can’t!

KD Far
KD Far
3 years ago
Reply to  Peter Vella

True in many cases over Gozo. But let us not say all Gozitans are like that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Peter Vella

Ehe ghax l Maltin kollha vergni!

3 years ago
Reply to  Peter Vella

X odju qed nghid! Mintiex xi wiehed li tirfes fuq l Gzira hux? Odju w ghira! U m ghandi l ebda simpatija lejn Clint Camilleri!

John B
John B
3 years ago
Reply to  M.Galea

Qed nghidlek kelli kaz ta’ qorti fejn dawn kolkha inxtraw u kollha bis shab .Kollox f idejhom. Dont trust labour especially 85% of the Gozitans .Il klikka : Anton refalo il kap tal korruzjoni,Clint u martu Deborah ta warajh u komplici mieghu u imbad hemm Mampalao u Joseph Grech( ex nazzjonalist u ex chairman tal gozo channel u li issa allabierek qieghed mal ministeru ghal Ghawdex) li suppost kellhom jiddefenduni fil kawza tieghi u li inxtraw u kienu komplici mal ohrajn.u plus ir razza u ir redikola ta daqn in nies li hemm fil ministeru t ghawdex.ghax jekk nibda insemmi nieqafx.

John B
John B
3 years ago
Reply to  Peter Vella

U dawn is snin kollha u hadd ma isir xejn.izjed ma ghandhom izjed iridu dawn in nies.Issa jehduhom mahom.Irid jitnehha il ministeru ghal Ghawdex l ewwel u il klikka ta Anton Refalo ,Clint u kull min hu imdahhal f dan ic cirku ta korruzjoni

Henry s Pace
Henry s Pace
3 years ago

Mhux Hekk ! : Malta taghhom biss.

John B
John B
3 years ago
Reply to  Henry s Pace

Il ministeru t ghawdex aghar imma ta.Klassi ghalih ta.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
3 years ago

Multitasking (definition): the performance of more than one task at the same time.

Maltitasking (definition): the performance of illegal activities while secretly being paid for a legitimate task that you never intend to perform. (e.g.): Conducting illegal gambling activities while assumingly engaged as a driver by the OPM.

Għawdxitasking (definition): the performance of one’s private business activities while also ‘engaged’ and paid for work never accomplished that you have obtained through flagrant political nepotism or cronyism. 

Julie Balzan.
Julie Balzan.
3 years ago


John B
John B
3 years ago
Reply to  Julie Balzan.

Mela.U il poplu lilhom irid ghax lilhom reghu ivvutaw.Ma nistax nifmhu dan ip pajjiz.Korruzjoni iridu in nies .

Joseph Croker
Joseph Croker
3 years ago

Sickening is the word!

John B
John B
3 years ago

Din il mara Deborah hi mara hadra ta vera u kiesha u ghandha ilsienha hazin .Kelli kawza ta qorti.L avukat tieghi kiem Joseph Grech li ma kontx naf li kien bis shab ma din Deborah..peress li hu u ir ragel jahdmu fl istess ghaqda u ministeru.Ftehmu ma kukhadd li kellu x jaqsam fil kawza tieghi biex lili ikissiruni u jghaffguni.Laghbuni kollha u ma nista naghmel xejn ghax taht il labour qedghin.Laghbuni kollha.Made in Gozo style.Mhux qed nghid li f Malta kollha ma issibx minnhom imma dawn xbin 85% midhla t Anton Refalo u il klikka korrotta tal – labour li jaqaw taht l istess ministery t’ Ghawdex.Hallelin u haxxejjin fini.U bhalissa ghandom is sahhamGhalekk qed jghamlu li iridu u li joghgobhom.Sant lura fin 1996 ries inehhieh il ministeru t ghawdex u kellu ragun .L aktar li hadtha bi kbira ghax Jien supoost ghawdxi bhalhom imma stmawni ta barrani .ghax dawn halli alihom biex ihawdu u igerfxu bejniethom.Mill illum ilquddiem jiddispjacini nghid li l ghawdxin amluli hsara kbira .imbasta kollom qaddisin u marci .

Last edited 3 years ago by John B

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