Fact-checking Malta’s delegation to UN committee – Daphne Foundation
In a statement today, The Daphne Foundation fact-checked what
UN tells Malta to take concrete steps to implement Caruana Galizia public inquiry
Several countries have urged Malta to take concrete steps
Malta among states lobbying for child migrant imprisonment in EU pact
Malta was one of a group of EU member
UN makes last ditch plea on Assange extradition, European Parliament opens exhibition
As the High Court decision on the fate of
Amnesty International concerned rule of law reforms ‘insufficient or superficial’
Amnesty International has expressed concern that Malta’s rule of
MEPs want answers on Malta’s migrant pushbacks, torture and EU funding
MEPs from the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and
Gozo Minister’s sister made ambassador to the Council of Europe
Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri’s sister Francesca Camilleri Vettiger has
Over 29,000 deaths during migration journeys to Europe since 2014 – IOM
There have been more than 3,400 deaths on migration
Robert Abela at COP26 – a far cry from Censu Tabone, the man who put climate change on the UN agenda
Thirty-two years ago, Vincent “Censu” Tabone, Malta’s then foreign
Turkish women sentenced in Malta with false documents at risk of ‘extraterritorial abductions’
Two Turkish women, Rabia Yavuz and Muzekka Deneri, were
Reporters Without Borders files charges against Saudi Arabia over Jamal Khashoggi murder
International press freedom organisation Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has
The future is female, wiping out the past
Joseph Muscat gave a speech at the United Nations
One year on, Saudi journalist’s murder haunts kingdom
One year ago, Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi walked into
‘Biased shithole’ remark by Foreign Minister’s assistant noted in UN report
The incident where the Private Secretary of Foreign Minister
‘All we are asking is that Malta complies with existing laws’
There has been “no meaningful change” in the way
Daphne Caruana Galizia in ‘Top 10’ list of cases of injustice against journalists
The One Free Press Coalition has listed the assassintation
Malta violating UN sanctions on North Korea — report
Malta has actively violated Security Council resolutions on North
United Nations declares war on hate speech
The United Nations has launched a Strategy and Plan
‘We won’t forget journalists who have been silenced’ – IPI World Congress
“When journalists are targeted, societies as a whole pay
250 arrests for help to migrants – report
Over the last five years, at least 250 people
Malta government only paying ‘lip service’ to its human rights obligations, UN hears
Leading international press freedom and human rights organisations raised
Attacks against journalists ‘outrageous’ – UN chief
UN chief António Guterres lamented on Monday that freedom
‘Impunity persists,’ son of murdered journalist tells UN Human Rights Council
As the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) began its
UN investigation confirms Khashoggi killed by Saudi officials
An international inquiry into the murder of Saudi journalist
Beyond the slogans, where’s the substance?
Patriarchy isn’t merely a misogynistic system that places men
Sorry, but…it’s your fault
“I’m sorry I ruined your shirt.” “I’m sorry I
The value of a human life: $400
The United Nations has described the Mediterranean as the

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