ADPD requests investigation on abuse of public funds for minister’s wedding
Updated to include the minister’s reaction The Green Party,
Eyebrows raised as minister’s wedding coincides with film awards set-up
Updated to include minister’s reaction Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo’s
Comino deckchair concessionaire now also ferry service shareholder
Daniel Refalo, one of the two concessionaires offering the
Comino deckchairs: minister issues third extension without tender
Aqra bil-Malti Despite promising to take action, Tourism Minister
Government silent on costs of new Visit Malta Cup in London
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo and Malta Tourism Authority CEO
Comino deckchairs out again as minister’s plan remains shelved
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. As another summer approaches, three
Opinion: Taxpayer funding of the Labour Party’s campaigns
In July 2023, Nationalist Party MP Julie Zahra asked
Grech’s film festival costs exceed more than two years of local industry funding
Johann Grech’s extravagant film festival last summer, supposedly to
Johann Grech presents no invoices for €4 million spent on film festival
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Malta’s Film Commissioner Johann Grech
Government defies information commissioner order over Man United deal
The government has defied an order of the Information
Villains, heroes, liars and fails
At The Shift, I often find myself reading the
Opinion: Labour’s aura of secrecy
Aqra din l-opinjoni bil-Malti. “Falsehood flies, and truth comes
Phantom consultancy at Tourism Ministry raises doubts on transparency
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The Ministry for Tourism, led
Ministers dodged 750 parliamentary questions since March 2022
Government ministers have left some 750 parliamentary questions unanswered
Tourism minister, ministry contradict each other on free concert tickets
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo and
Opinion: Bravo Clayton
Clayton Bartolo has done it again, messing up so
Tourism ministry changes stance on ‘free’ Man United tickets
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo’s ministry
Lou Bondi denies conflict of interest in new contract with tourism ministry
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Former Nationalist Party communications
Tourism minister silent on MTA-sponsored Calleja-Bocelli concert
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo has again refused to divulge
No answers on film festival spending despite 24 parliamentary questions
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo and Film Commissioner Johann Grech
An epic failure of blockbuster proportions
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. For the past four
Air Malta’s ‘new’ consultants are those who failed to save it
The Abu Dhabi-based consultancy company that will be paid
Film Commission studies contradict themselves as filmmakers lament ‘lack of transparency’
Big differences in the reported findings of two unpublished
Where’s the economic benefit from funding foreign films, Opposition asks
The tens of millions of euros the government is
Failed Enemalta and Air Malta chair given new task at €60 million ITS Campus
Former Enemalta and Air Malta chairman Charles Mangion –
Labour MPs want PAC paused until October although Muscat is available
Even though disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat has
€60 million ITS campus still on the cards after EU post-Covid funding cut
The €60 million Institute of Tourism Studies campus slated
Minister dodges questions on Mediterrane Film Festival expenses
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo is once again dodging questions
No permit for illegal Mellieha hotel, PA in a quandary over two illegal storeys
The Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) will not be issuing
Bartolo stonewalls parliament on illegal Mellieha hotel that he had approved
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo could not inform Parliament about

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