Opinion: Our money isn’t coming back
Aqra bil-Malti Robert Abela is bragging that he’s engaged
Police handed internal TM investigation on RHIBs scandal – no charges issued yet
Aqra bil-Malti Transport Malta has confirmed that it has
No investigation of Lands Authority over block of flats built on public land
The government has so far failed to order an
L-ex Avukat Ġenerali diżonorat Peter Grech jinħatar konsulent tal-ministru tal-ġustizzja
Read the article in English here. Peter Grech kien
Disgraced former Attorney General Peter Grech hired as justice minister’s consultant
Tista’ taqra l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. Peter Grech, the former
Robert Abela’s unexplained luck
Some people have all the luck. With some, it’s
Measure for measure
Consider this. In just one week three members of
Police investigation into MCAST ‘jobs for votes’ scandal still ongoing
The police have still not concluded criminal investigations into
SVDP scandal: Top civil servants shun responsibility as PL, PN take no action
Top civil servants who pushed through the illegal 2017
St Vincent de Paul scandal: New deal increased cost to €327 million
The €274 million deal the government struck with DB
Opposition withdraws backing for MFSA Chair
The Opposition withdrew its backing for the chairman of
Recall from China was a ‘coincidence’, new ambassador insists
The newly appointed non-resident Ambassador to Qatar, Joseph Pirotta,
Labour fought off last night’s action by PN but larger battle remains open
The government last night moved an amendment to the
The good in the bad and the ugly
A memo to readers who, upon reading of Keith
UPDATED: Inspector named as new head of police traffic unit linked to gaffe and a shooting
Updated to include action taken following criticism of Gabriel
‘Inadvisable, underhand deal’ on Malta’s public hospitals
Minister Konrad Mizzi struck an “inadvisable, underhand deal with
Malta is under attack, from the inside
I have sat back and watched with utter amazement
Is the Nationalist Party enabling Labour’s corruption?
Foreign Affairs Minister Carmelo Abela instructed public employees to

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