Zammit Lewis not fit for European Court of Justice, Repubblika tells committee
Edward Zammit Lewis is not fit to occupy the
Aditus ‘strongly condemns’ PM’s ‘blatant attack’ on judiciary, journalists
Human rights organisation Aditus has “strongly condemned” the words
Disinformation Watch: Framing the Sofia public inquiry narrative
Following the publication of the Jean Paul Sofia public
Sofia inquiry: PN calls for ministers’ resignations as Abela commits to reform
Opposition leader Bernard Grech has called for the resignation
Gżira construction site collapse ‘consequence’ of government inaction – ADPD
The collapse of a building facade and scaffolding at
Council of Europe committee sees ‘no need for action’ on media, despite government delays
The Council of Europe’s committee of ministers “sees no
The Shift for IPI: Future of Malta’s journalism, freedom of expression rests on hope of reform
While the Maltese government pats itself on the back
Press freedom organisations call on government to protect the press in Malta
On the sixth anniversary of the assassination of journalist
Media committee report does not stack up to public inquiry recommendations
Recommendations in a report by a government-appointed media committee
PM’s failure to address rule of law recommendations ‘shocking’
Reacting to Prime Minister Robert Abela’s speech in parliament
Joseph Muscat claims no need to inform the European Commission of Electrogas’ Security of Supply Agreement
During his fourth appearance before the Public Accounts Committee,
Omtzigt urges CoE to ‘take action’ with Malta on inquiry recommendations
Pieter Omtzigt, the Dutch MP who led the Council
First sessions of Sofia public inquiry confirm industry unknown to regulators
Friday saw the conclusion of the third session of
The wrong man for the job – Kevin Cassar
Robert Abela got his Justice Minister to present the
Architect ‘supervised’ building site that killed Jean Paul Sofia via WhatsApp
The architect responsible for the Kordin construction site that
Opposition calls for ‘immediate’ publication of media committee report
The Opposition has called on the government to “immediately”
Abela the autocrat – Kevin Cassar
Last Monday, Prime Minister Robert Abela unilaterally overturned a
Opposition calls for Attorney General’s resignation after inquiries debacle
The Opposition this morning called for the resignation of
Sofia inquiry: ‘Clear’ that magistrate did not request an extension – Chamber of Advocates
The Chamber of Advocates has expressed “concern” over Prime
Hostages – Jacques René Zammit
“The government will no longer remain a hostage to
Opposition asks Standards Commissioner to investigate PM and Justice Minister
The Opposition has asked the Commissioner for Standards in
Jean Paul Sofia vigil goes ahead as planned as thousands call for justice
The vigil for construction site victim Jean Paul Sofia
Go on, sail away – Kevin Cassar
Within 24 hours of those agonising scenes inside and
Jean Paul Sofia’s mother starts petition for public inquiry into son’s death
Kordin construction collapse victim Jean Paul Sofia’s mother, Isabelle
Jean Paul Sofia’s parents keep up the pressure for public inquiry
Construction collapse victim Jean Paul Sofia’s mother Isabelle Bonnici
Abela replaces Muscat’s man… with Muscat’s man on state company board
Prime Minister Robert Abela has ordered the removal of
A poignant Workers’ Day gesture and a renewed call for justice, Public Inquiry
The mother of young construction site victim Jean Paul
Casa calls on Venice Commission to investigate Abela’s public inquiry refusal
MEP David Casa has urged the President of the
Abela’s arguments against Jean Paul Sofia public inquiry identical to Muscat’s
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s justifications for refusing to initiate

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