NGOs call for revision of Msida Creek project
A coalition of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Malta is
NGOs call on prime minister to change ‘rotten’ planning appeals system
Fourteen organisations have issued a scathing critique of the
ERA approved the axing of 3,400 protected trees in seven years
Aqra bil-Malti The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) has
Decision on Manoel Island development postponed following UNESCO concerns
The Planning Authority has postponed its decision on whether
Confirmed: Government takes over care of underprivileged girls after Conservatorio’s closure
The government confirmed that it had taken responsibility for
GWU gets €1.6m per year off ‘unemployed’, Auditor General confirms
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Data extrapolated from a new
NGOs file judicial protest against Legal Notice ‘rewarding ODZ illegalities’
Seven environmental organisations today filed a judicial protest against
Those unknowing recipients – Jacques René Zammit
What was Byron thinking? What was Graziella thinking too?
A Six Senses Comino hotel will ‘put the area out of reach to all but the wealthy’
A group of seven NGOs this morning staged a
Desperate grandstanding: PN’s dismissal of civil society
Opposition Leader Bernard Grech said on Sunday, without a
NGO Repubblika calls out PN’s home affairs spokesperson, former Pilatus Bank lawyer, Joe Giglio
Following a public appearance in which the Nationalist Party’s
Repubblika calls for resignation of police commissioner: ‘No credibility left’
Civil society NGO Repubblika has declared it has lost
Stakeholders put forward their election demands
As the 2022 general elections campaign is in full
Electoral proposals worth considering
The Nationalist Party released an electoral manifesto last week
A Maltese Christmas carol
Last night, many of us celebrated Christmas Eve with
Court’s ‘chief security officer’ harasses journalist, demands phone to delete photos
The Shift journalist Julian Delia was harassed outside the
10 protests stymied during pandemic on fear of reprisals following police objections
The police have objected to ten protest applications citing
Repubblika calls on Labour administration to ‘publish all government contracts since 2013’
Civil society NGO Repubblika spared no criticism for Prime
Repubblika’s president slams Rosianne Cutajar after speech in parliament targeting activists
Repubblika president Robert Aquilina has called out Labour MP
Disinformation Watch: power loves a bad idea
In their 2021 ‘Nations in Transit’ report, Freedom House
It’s not enough to ridicule absurdities
Some things are so absurd that they manage to
Air pollution monitoring near cruise ship dock problematic due to faults
Ever since their requested monitoring system was put in
‘A selfish act’: Citizens protest against government granting public land to hunters
Activists gathered at Castille Square, in front of the
Labour’s pandering to hunters and trappers may backfire
Saturday’s protest in front of the Prime Minister’s office
Tributes pour in on third anniversary of journalist’s assassination
As tributes pour in on the day marking three
Free press NGOs call out Robert Abela’s interference in public inquiry
Nine international free press organisations have written a letter
Thousands object for the third time to DB project despite lavish PR campaign
Over 4,400 objections have been submitted to the Planning
Government says ‘no’ to Europol Joint Investigation Team
The Maltese authorities will not be requesting Europol to
Are sea rescue NGOs really a pull factor for migration?
Foreign Affairs Minister Evarist Bartolo took to Facebook last
Surge in racist and hate speech online following government decisions
Online hate has surfaced repeatedly over the past few

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