Portelli’s illegally built hotel in Mellieha put on the market for €4.2 million
Gozitan developer Joseph Portelli and his associates, including Mark
Hundreds call for halt to Portelli Miżieb development, petition sent to MPs
A petition calling for a halt to the planned
Government to spend €600,000 on Selmun restoration before privatisation
Taxpayers are set to pay some €600,000 for the
Government takes another step to allow Birżebbuġa land grab
The government has taken what appears to be another
Tourism minister’s family face penalty for running illegal carpark in Mellieħa
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo’s family, including his father Joseph,
Mission accomplished: minister’s ‘landlord’ gets green lung for peanuts
Developers close to Lands Minister Silvio Schembri and Prime
Ghadira road to be ready in March 2024 with three different contractors at work
Confusion and traffic jams in the sweltering heat are
No permit for illegal Mellieha hotel, PA in a quandary over two illegal storeys
The Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) will not be issuing
Bartolo stonewalls parliament on illegal Mellieha hotel that he had approved
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo could not inform Parliament about
MTA silent on Joseph Portelli’s illegal Mellieha hotel licence
The Malta Tourism Authority’s (MTA) licencing chief Kevin Fsadni
Mellieha residents ignored as Lands seals deal with minister’s ‘landlord’
The Lands Authority has approved the sale of the
Lands Minister blocks information on controversial Mellieha land grab
Lands Minister Silvio Schembri is refusing to publish information
Revealed: Lands Minister’s links to developer set to acquire public land in Mellieha worth millions
Lands Minister Silvio Schembri is using a constituency office
The Pharisee – Kevin Cassar
Jesus told the parable of the Pharisee and the
Lands Minister can’t explain why public green lung is being turned into flats
Lands Minister Silvio Schembri is not explaining why he
Lands minister defends Mellieha public land grab deal for mega developers
Minister responsible for lands Silvio Schembri is refusing to
‘I have no plans to open a night club in Mistra’ – Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has denied plans to push for
Tourism minister’s father, uncles, own water sports, ferry business with interests in Comino
The father and uncles of Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo,
Justice minister won’t explain €100,000 invoice discrepancy for client who wanted hotel on beach
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. Robert Abela’s new
Over 100 billboards on 50km stretch, at least €670,000 spent on digital advertising
The Labour Party campaign dominates political advertising on both
‘A selfish act’: Citizens protest against government granting public land to hunters
Activists gathered at Castille Square, in front of the
Labour’s pandering to hunters and trappers may backfire
Saturday’s protest in front of the Prime Minister’s office
Still keeping the public out
With the signing of the agreement between the Lands
Feudalism rediscovered
It did not happen under the dark cloak of
Red Cross temporary tent slapped with PA notice was government funded
The story has been updated to include the Planning
Digging Malta (and Gozo) into a hole
The government is bulldozing ahead (metaphorically at least) with
PD requests Auditor General to investigate Mellieha ‘land grab’
Partit Demokratiku MPs Marlene Farrugia and Godfrey Farrugia have

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