It doesn’t end here
Robert Abela wants you to believe that the confession
Standards are worthless without accountability
Regulations exist on paper, but laws are only as
Cashing in with a little help from their friend
It pays to be friends with Konrad Mizzi. I
Smoke and mirrors: police arrests but no charges against government officials
The police and the Office of the Attorney General
Malta hit another all-time low
Malta plummeted to a “new all-time low” in this
The impact of a flawed system
Matthew Caruana Galizia, son of Daphne Caruana Galizia, took
Leeching off the public purse
If there’s one thing your former finance minister likes
Daphne Caruana Galizia inquiry: where to from here?
The details revealed by the public inquiry into Maltese
Out with the old and in with… the same?
Good riddance to 2020. I’m sure no one’s sorry
What’s next? Cement shoes?
These guys don’t learn anything, do they? It’s not
Fenech and the Bangladeshi Schembri
Some countries specialise in technology, others specialise in services.
One law for you and no law for them
Can’t convince someone to sell you that piece of
A parliament of parasites
Robert Abela gave birth to another record-setting Cabinet. No,
The shirker’s guide to unaccountability
Joseph Cushieri sure was a big spender. The problem
Corruption and weak institutions sustain impunity in journalists’ murders – report
International press freedom organisation Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
Facing up to impunity
Op-ed by Annie Game, Executive Director of IFEX, the
Tributes pour in on third anniversary of journalist’s assassination
As tributes pour in on the day marking three
‘She was killed because those in power wanted her silenced’ – GAMAG
GAMAG EUROPA pays tribute to murdered journalist Daphne Caruana
Your cowardice and greed killed Daphne
It’s a strange coincidence that my 100th column for
Another day, another direct order
What do arms dealers and zookeepers know about medical
Collaborators and enablers
I watched the non-face off that was the Xarabank
No end in sight for coastal caravan saga
There’s no end in sight for the saga of
Some are more equal than others
Someone committed perjury in Malta but no one’s been
The Venice Commission is a joke
A recent package of constitutional reforms was trumpeted as
Don’t seek and you won’t find
“You’ll never find anything if you never look.” Translate
Why fix what you can hide?
In their latest attempt to make things look better
Malta is highly contagious
There’s a plague raging on the streets of Malta,
An epidemic of collective amnesia
Malta is suffering from an epidemic of collective amnesia.
Everyone’s digging their heels in
Deny, deny, deny. And when the clock runs out
It’s time for Peter Grech to go
The former Head of the economic crimes unit has

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