The magic of making the illegal legal
Well that wasn’t much of a surprise, was it?
Immunity and impunity
‘Immunity’ has to be the word for 2021. The
Consulting fees or deferred bribes?
The police say they are investigating Joseph Muscat for
A congress of clowns
Konrad Mizzi is still running out the clock, this
Stalking the messenger: Ending impunity for illegal surveillance  
Guest commentary by Annie Game, Executive Director of IFEX,
‘The impunity for crimes against journalists must end’ – Josep Borell, Vera Jourova
Vice President Josep Borrell and Vice President Věra Jourová
Is Angelo Gafa above the law?
Former police commissioner Lawrence Cutajar threw away the rule
Democracy’s not going anywhere
“I choose not to go.” Konrad Mizzi’s reply to
People’s Tribunal will indict governments over failure to convict journalists’ murderers
A group of leading media organisations have launched a
Disposable foreigners and the road to riches
Jaiteh Lamin fell two storeys from a building site
Still sinking with no end in sight
Finance Ministry permanent secretary Alfred Camilleri claimed Malta would
ECHR finds Russia failed to investigate assassination of journalist Natalia Estemirova
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that
Malta enabled a money laundering machine
The failings of due diligence in every possible sphere
Culture of impunity allows deceit and dishonesty to run rampant
We’ve all been the victims of lies propagated by
Calls for justice mark 57th birthday of assassinated journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia
On the occasion of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s 57th birthday,
No justice without accountability
Robert Abela has no intention of taking serious action
International reactions to public inquiry findings stress the need for reform
The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Teresa
The rule of delinquents confirmed
As Robert Abela, prime minister and former adviser to
This fish rotted from the head down
There’s no proof that the government killed Daphne Caruana
Public inquiry findings: ‘Historic opportunity to ensure real change for the safety of journalists’
Daphne Caruana Galizia’s family has said the public inquiry
Malta chose this path in 2017
We knew the writing was on the wall when
Concrete belt: Four years down the line, PA still waiting for companies to fall in line
The Planning Authority is still waiting for construction companies
More promises at international level that government will protect journalists, end impunity
The government has adopted multiple Council of Europe (CoE)
Impunity, judicial harassment and State-led capture, key concerns in Council of Europe report
The Council of Europe Platform to Promote the Protection
No improvement for Malta in 2021 RSF world press freedom index
Malta has retained its lowest recorded position in the
How Labour protects and promotes criminals
“The Labour Party does not protect criminals,” Labour President
Party financing must be overhauled if Malta’s to emerge from its distorted democracy – Graffitti
Malta is suffering from a “distortion of democracy” whereby
Justice isn’t a game show
Is there anyone in Malta who isn’t desperate to
It’s no longer possible to separate the criminals from the politicians
Robert Abela won’t take action unless the hitman the
It’s time to start holding Joseph Muscat accountable
Oops, he did it again. Joseph Muscat’s been found

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