Edward Zammit Lewis’ legislative legacy
One aspect that seems to have been overlooked in
Zammit Lewis not fit for European Court of Justice, Repubblika tells committee
Edward Zammit Lewis is not fit to occupy the
Bumpy ride expected for Zammit Lewis en route to Luxembourg
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s nominee for the post of
Opinion: Courting injustice
Robert Abela’s finger-wagging antics in parliament on Monday night
Government’s ‘trusted’ private jet company chairman in UK court
Thomas Flohr, chairman of the government’s ‘trusted’ private jet
Labour’s midsummer nightmare – Paul Bonello
I take the cue from the customary performance around
VistaJet, government’s ‘trusted’ private jet investment, is $4.4 billion in debt
Private jet chartering company VistaJet, which was funnelled €4.5
Abela’s ousted ministers share €318,000 from secret terminal benefits scheme
The latest reshuffle of Robert Abela’s cabinet has come
The silent and slavish Attorney General
Minister Jonathan Attard told Attorney General Victoria Buttigieg what
What ministerial code of ethics? Dalli makes Galdes’ wife a WasteServ director
The wife of Social Accommodation Minister Roderick Galdes, Joanne
Gozo Ministry direct order for Saviour Balzan smacks of political propaganda
More behind-the-scenes pre-electoral machinations put into play by the
Abela’s cabinet being less transparent with their earnings than Muscat’s
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s Cabinet is being far less
The inversion of facts, one opinion piece at a time
When local experts or international entities speak out against
Disgraced attorney general paid €7,000 a month for ‘transition period’
Disgraced former attorney general Peter Grech – notorious for,
18 cabinet members committed breach of ethics when publishing partisan supplements on PL newspaper – Commissioner
An investigation by the Standards Commissioner into whether government
Zammit Lewis failed to declare family relationship with former AG Peter Grech before hiring him
Former justice minister Edward Zammit Lewis failed to declare
2 ministers, 120 direct orders worth €2 million in the run-up to elections
Former justice minister Edward Zammit Lewis and Transport Minister
Cutting parliament short  – Jacques René Zammit
I happened to come across a random OneTV clip
The happy fibber – Kevin Cassar
“I am very happy,” Edward Zammit Lewis declared. Had
€350 and a day of dubious expenditure analysis later…
Gate-keeping information that’s meant to be released to the
Out with some of the old
The new leaders have been appointed. These are the
Saviour Balzan given premises at industrial park for 15 years starting at €1 a month
Business 2 Business Ltd, a company solely owned by
Court agency breaches law, refuses to give details on court experts
The Court Services Agency is blocking information on the
Civil society groups hold protest, demand resignation of attorney general
Protesters gathered in Valletta on Friday evening to demand
It’s not about money
The government has no intention of debating the Opposition’s
Speaker to decide whether ethics committee is to continue investigating Justyne Caruana
The parliamentary committee for standards in public life suspended
Patterns of resistance
The government’s reluctance, verging on recalcitrance, for meaningful reform
Robert Abela’s grim year
The year 2021 was another challenging one for many
How to hire talent
Warren Buffett, the world’s most successful investor, has his
Court records law under spotlight of six international press freedom NGOs
Pressure continues to grow on the government to scrap

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