Court strikes down Law Commissioner Antonio Mizzi’s ‘irregular’ development permit
The Appeals Court, presided over by Chief Justice Mark
Gozo Ministry ‘completes’ illegal works at Gozo pool project as costs soar by millions of euros
The Planning Authority (PA) is next week expected to
Generation expat
According to an old Greek saying, “A society grows
Steward’s turn of the screw
Robert Abela insistently asks voters: “Who do you want
Is Angelo Gafa above the law?
Former police commissioner Lawrence Cutajar threw away the rule
PBS technically bankrupt even as Labour apologists continue to hoover up millions
The latest published accounts of Malta’s national broadcaster PBS
Well-connected lawyers grab €300,000 in legal fees from Gozo Ministry in under three years
A small group of well-connected lawyers, including Simon Schembri,
Our pledge to Daphne Caruana Galizia
Four years after the heinous assassination of Malta’s leading
Malta scores below regional average in new rule of law report
Malta has ranked below the regional average in every
Better late than never, or is it?
Monday, 11 October, started as a day no different
Standards Down Under
“I have made it clear that if any of
Justice Minister puts judge’s daughter on his ministry’s payroll
The 26-year old, recently-qualified daughter of former Labour deputy
Democracy’s not going anywhere
“I choose not to go.” Konrad Mizzi’s reply to
Heroes with feet of clay
Do they really not get it, all those “prosit
Labour’s grip on PBS tightens – we know where this is heading
Barely a week after the Center for Media, Data
Konrad Mizzi defies Public Accounts Committee’s summons, refuses to testify
Disgraced former Minister Konrad Mizzi said today on Facebook
Konrad’s day of reckoning
Disgraced former minister Konrad Mizzi, one of the evil
UPDATED: Adrian Delia takes on SVDP direct order recipient James Caterers as legal client
Updated to add Adrian Delia’s comments. Shortly after stepping
Government offers Corinthia Group Ghajn Tuffieha site for €10.3 million
After more than two years of negotiations between the
Portelli and the politicians
Joseph Portelli, the Gozitan building contractor who appeared out
The Schembri clan: proving the proverb
Josette Schembri Vella, wife of alleged fraudster and money
Forty-seven months
It’s been almost four years since the brutal assassination
A country built on dirty money
For almost 20 years, Malta has built much of
MFSA offers secret deals on non-compliance offences to select companies, individuals
Since 2014, the Malta Financial Services Authority has been
Joseph Muscat: Hero of two worlds
He was one of those rare people who, despite

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