Ta’ Qali ‘regeneration’ delayed until 2025 amid confusion on budget
While Public Works Minister Chris Bonett has announced the
Maltese government spent €800,000 a day on subsidies in 2022
During 2022, the Maltese government spent some €800,000 a
Malta to face EU fiscal discipline as it plans to borrow €920 million in 2024
Malta is expected to be officially put under the
Food costs surge 11% in a year as general inflation falls
The price of food in Maltese supermarkets has risen
Budget matters
Take a red suitcase. A flashy red briefcase. One
Cream for them, no milk for you
Jeffrey Curmi, the former brigadier now CEO at Transport
A €49 million misfire: AFM’s P71 vessel two years late, €13.9 million over budget
An offshore patrol vessel commissioned by the Armed Forces
As the MTA attempts to conceal expenditure, its head of events keeps up the pace – his demotion never happened
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. While the Malta
Election month cost taxpayers dearly
The government spent €191 million more in March than
Back in business
They’re back in business. It took only a few
Two years of Robert Abela
The anniversary of Robert Abela’s two years in office
On the abuse of office
“What’s in it for you?” is perhaps one of
Clyde Caruana’s magic faraway tree
Apologies to Enid Blyton. But listening to Clyde Caruana’s
From cranes to craniums
Our minister of finance, Clyde Caruana, is back with
Public finances floundering in danger zone as debt soars €2.2 billion in 18 months
Malta’s public debt ballooned by as much as €2.1
Second MTA lease issued to property owned by chairman’s family
It’s literally all in the family at the Malta
Let them eat baked beans
The last few months have been tough and the
Arts Council flouting procurement rules despite NAO warning
The Malta Arts Council, with former Labour TV CEO
MTA never commissioned the study it used to justify surge in sponsorships
The Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) has once again been
MTA’s Lionel Gerada is a good boy, lawyers insist
Lionel Gerada, the political canvasser of former minister Konrad
MTA rents villa from chairman’s father-in-law at €50,000 a year
The price of a villa in Msida that the
The politics behind the budget
Robert Abela has hyped up tomorrow’s mini-budget. He’s said
Konrad Mizzi appointed canvasser to top MTA post despite criminal record
The man former Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi chose to
Failed promises lead to increase in waiting list for social housing
The number of people on the waiting list for
Government spent over €66,000 on promoting the 2019 Budget
The government spent over €66,000 advertising the 2019 Budget
The future of Europe
The European Commission has presented the draft European Budget

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