Żviluppaturi tal-Armier lido jitolbu lill-awtoritajiet jagħlqu għajnejhom għal żvilupp li ppjanaw f’żona sensittiva
Read this article in English. L-iżviluppaturi privati tal-proprjetà pubblika
L-Istat jixtri t-tieni SUV lussuża lill-Prim Ministru Robert Abela
Read this article in English. F’Settembru 2023, l-Uffiċċju tal-Prim
Deo Scerri was chairman when BOV decided on loans now sold to company he advises
Updated with response from Bank of Valletta. Deo Scerri,
Opinion: Word power
Words are powerful, there is no doubt about that,
Ex-Infrastructure Malta CEO investigated for money laundering, fraud
Article updated with additional response from Azzopardi. The European
Government acquires last plot of private Birzebbugia land, paving way for mega development
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. A small plot, forming part
Cost of electricity subsidies reaches €163 million as government ignores IMF
Government subsidies passed onto Enemalta in 2023 amounted to
EU Parliament and Council reach provisional deal to revise human trafficking rules
Negotiators from the European Parliament and the European Council
Opinion: Punishing the truth, rewarding lies
What do you call a man found guilty by
Armier lido developers tell watchdog to ‘overlook’ rooftoop development in culturally sensitive area
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The private developers of public
Removed heritage expert brought back to save Valletta’s UNESCO status
Anthony Pace, Malta’s first superintendent for cultural heritage, who
260,000 LESA fines issued last year, Naxxar tops list of localities
Naxxar is the Maltese locality with the most fines
Fish farm conglomerate allocated additional public land for expansion
Aquaculture Resources Ltd., a conglomerate formed between Azzopardi Fisheries
State buys second luxury SUV for Prime Minister Robert Abela
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The Office of the Prime
EU funds for decade-old carnival village project lost, Minister Bonnici slammed by enthusiasts
Culture Minister Owen Bonnici has been slammed on social
Inexperienced reporters at TVM oust high-ranking veterans
State-owned television station TVM has promoted several staff, pushing
Steward faces ‘grave financial distress’ in US, ‘contemplates selling off hospitals’
US-based hospital company Steward Healthcare may soon start closing
Former Enemalta boss paid over €110,000 at new government agency
Jonathan Cardona, the former Enemalta CEO who was removed
Tweets revealing Yorgen Fenech and Malta Today co-owner’s networks deleted
Leaked WhatsApp messages, apparently from businessman Yorgen Fenech’s phone,
RSF: Polish media reform necessary to depoliticise propaganda-filled state broadcaster
One of the first acts of Poland’s new Prime
Opinion: Removing all doubt
Alex Agius Saliba keeps putting his foot in it
Dictator’s daughter who laundered millions through Malta to face court
The daughter of the authoritarian former president of Angola,
Goverment still refusing to detail payments to Saviour Balzan despite The Shift winning all cases
The Maltese Labour Party government is ignoring scores of
‘New’ airline already paid €200,000 in accommodation, flights for consultants
Former Etihad consultants unsuccessfully engaged to save beleaguered national
Steward taffaċċja ħemel ta’ kawżi fil-qrati fuq kontijiet mhux imħallsa
Read in English. Wara dak li ġie żvelat dan
47 years of illegalities on public land written-off for Ta’ Qali club UNO
The Planning Authority has sanctioned some 47 years of
Proposed EU anti-money laundering law will step up checks and balances
A provisional agreement on a new anti-money laundering law
Journalists’ institute calls for ‘wider membership’ in media owner’s lobby group
The Institute of Maltese Journalists (Istitut Ġurnalisti Maltin, IĠM)

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