What will it take for the Central Bank Governor to quit?
Aqra bil-Malti Opposition spokesperson Karol Aquilina said in a
Medical Cannabis company owned by Keith Schembri used taxpayer funds from hospitals’ deal
Disgraced former OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri used
The truth, one story at a time: The Shift launches crowdfunding campaign
We stand at a pivotal moment. Our investigations into
Opinion: I want my money
“Neither the government nor the opposition nor an NGO”
What Joseph Muscat had in court was not a heroes’ welcome
Aqra bil-Malti. “Absolutely not guilty,” disgraced former prime minister
Opinion: The writing on the wall
“They asked me to comment about the absence of
The government’s crisis management tactics remain unchanged
Over the last couple of weeks,  government officials have
Court criticises Steward over time wasting tactics in €37 million pending VAT bill case
The Court of Appeal has ordered proceedings against Steward
Muscat’s latest attack on inquiry shot down by courts
Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat’s latest court application
Opinion: Abela turns toxic
“The opposition… pointed a pistol towards Judge Grixti’s head,
Steward being sued over unpaid coffee bills
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Steward Health Care, which in
Court decision on Steward’s pending VAT bill of €37million put on hold
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. A €37 million outstanding VAT
The country knows – Kevin Cassar
Silvio Schembri just gave away public land worth over
A Faustian bargain – Joe Azzopardi
Just before the PL leadership election in 2019, Robert
George Vella is waiting – Kevin Cassar
President George Vella, a doctor by profession, hasn’t uttered
No commitment from PM to sue Steward Healthcare for €300 million refund
Prime Minister Robert Abela does not want to say
Muscat’s cabinet omerta’ – Kevin Cassar
“Cabinet endorsed all decisions,” Muscat declared. “I confirm that
The curious case of those who know nothing
How many times must we witness the very people
Health Ministry gives €36 million in direct orders in 6 months, Franciscans clarify their position
Updated to include a statement by the Province of
Warning shots in a veiled mob war
The Vitals mystery just keeps getting deeper. It’s not
Chris Fearne’s perennial hypocrisy
Chris Fearne was supposed to be the ‘clean one’.
Farewell to welfare
The welfare state sees the government as the guarantor
Looking back to move forward
Injustice, in one form or another, is the subject
Cardiologist who resigned from MP to join VGH says government ‘bamboozled people’
Professor Albert Fenech, a former PN MP who had
How Joseph swindled the nation
“Funds provided by government to Vitals were being channelled
Citizen Bogdanovic
There’s always going to be a Citizen Bogdanovic. It’s
Consulting fees or deferred bribes?
The police say they are investigating Joseph Muscat for
Why are we denied good administration?
Why is it that everything the government touches turns
Konrad Mizzi defies Public Accounts Committee’s summons, refuses to testify
Disgraced former Minister Konrad Mizzi said today on Facebook

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