Edward Zammit Lewis’ legislative legacy
One aspect that seems to have been overlooked in
Opinion: Courting injustice
Robert Abela’s finger-wagging antics in parliament on Monday night
How Labour endangered another journalist – Kevin Cassar
Malta’s Labour government has just been roundly condemned by
Casa calls on Venice Commission to investigate Abela’s public inquiry refusal
MEP David Casa has urged the President of the
Public inquiry: a year on and only one of 28 key recommendations fully implemented
Although the recommendations of the board of public inquiry
‘We got the impression that without external pressure reforms would not have been done’ – MEPs
From their latest fact-finding mission in Malta, six civil
The anachronistic island
On 5 March, Prime Minister Abela crossed by boat
Public inquiry conclusions ‘cannot be addressed by legislative changes only’ – PACE rapporteurs
Co-Rapporteurs for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
Council of Europe warns Maltese government to stop delaying reforms for justice and rule of law
The government does not intend to address loopholes that
Justice Commission starved of resources
The Prime Minister has given a second engagement to
Spanish lawyers representing Maltese government in European Court costing taxpayers €80,000
The government is paying around €80,000 in fees to
By popular opinion
I was proud to be among the contributors to
Venice Commission ‘disappointed’ as it unpicks ‘rushed’ rule of law reform
The Venice Commission said in its latest Opinion last
The Venice Commission is a joke
A recent package of constitutional reforms was trumpeted as
Constitutional reforms rushed through behind the Venice Commission’s back
Parliament last Wednesday evening unanimously rushed through Constitutional reforms
Pieter Omtzigt welcomes ‘hard-hitting’ report by Ombudsman
Special rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt has welcomed the “hard-hitting” and
A call for wider, deeper reforms in Venice Commission’s guarded opinion
In an 18-page report filled with caveats, subtleties and
Omtzigt calls on Maltese authorities to end impunity and make reforms real
Special Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt welcomed the new opinion issued
‘It’s complicated’: Over two years’ delay for a simple change in law
For a government that prides itself on its progressiveness
Omtzigt backs call for Europol Joint Investigation Team
Special Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt called on the Maltese authorities
Ombudsman still lacking cooperation from public authorities
The Ombudsman has outed public authorities to the Venice
Government says ‘no’ to Europol Joint Investigation Team
The Maltese authorities will not be requesting Europol to
Opposition and civil society raise the stakes on rule of law reforms
In a move that raises the stakes on rule
Rule of law reforms reflect Prime Minister’s reluctance to shift power
If first impressions count, then the first impression of
Pieter Omtzigt’s mandate extended by six months
The follow up to the report on Malta by
Pieter Omtzigt accuses Maltese government of handling institutional reform behind closed doors
Special rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt has called on the Maltese
Press freedom NGOs call on AG to ask Europol for joint investigation team on Caruana Galizia murder
Nine international press freedom organisations have appealed to Attorney
A hierarchy of rights 
In many places across the world, we are witnessing
Leaked details on judicial reform get a thumbs down from experts
Senior justice sources have denounced the proposed reforms of

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