Taxpayers paid €611,000 for Saviour Balzan’s TV programmes for PBS
Over €600,000 have been used by the state broadcaster
Opinion: salami slicing
There isn’t a single moment when a particular administration
Saviour Balzan got direct order to market Film Commissioner Johann Grech
Saviour Balzan, the co-owner of Malta Today and presenter
RSF: Polish media reform necessary to depoliticise propaganda-filled state broadcaster
One of the first acts of Poland’s new Prime
‘Tell the truth, not Castille’s propaganda’ Repubblika tells public broadcaster
“Malta deserves a national broadcaster that tells the truth,
Norma Saliba’s new job to cost taxpayers €73,000 a year
Norma Saliba, the former Head of News at state
Opinion: Touch Labour and burn
He who sups with the devil should have a
Opinion: Owen’s abject cronyism
“I go for those I believe have the best
The public broadcaster’s abysmal standards on reporting violence against women
The “lack of impartiality”, as defined by our political
Direct orders for Gozo minister’s cousin, and a new position created for his wife
Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri is showering his cousin, George
Magistrate Joe Mifsud in hot water over Gozo court farewell media stunt
Magistrate Joe Mifsud has been reprimanded by Chief Justice
Questions raised about whether PBS has filed reports showing how it spent taxpayers’ cash
The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is obliged to submit
How the public broadcaster is letting us down
If Television Malta (TVM) were your only source of
More taxpayer money sent Saviour Balzan’s way
The co-owner of Media Today, Saviour Balzan, has been
Sister of new education minister pocketed at least €25,000 from government jobs since 2020
The sister of new Education Minister Clifton Grima, Charlene
Education Minister Clifton Grima’s canvasser: a sports official suspended over a death threat
Clifton Grima, who has just been appointed minister of
The vandalism of distortion
“The PN has nothing to offer this country and
Carmelo Abela fails to answer questions about PBS bankruptcy, claims of state-control
Minister Carmelo Abela has failed to respond to questions from
PBS technically bankrupt even as Labour apologists continue to hoover up millions
The latest published accounts of Malta’s national broadcaster PBS
Labour party media blackout on coverage of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s fourth anniversary
Despite a full weekend in which high-ranking EU officials,
Democracy’s not going anywhere
“I choose not to go.” Konrad Mizzi’s reply to
Labour’s grip on PBS tightens – we know where this is heading
Barely a week after the Center for Media, Data
‘Run, rabbit, run’
Just as we began to digest the conclusions of
The damn nation
The latest cartoon from the Charlie Hebdo stables to
Journalists association condemns ‘disparaging and abusive’ comments against journalist
The journalists association (IGM) has condemned the “disparaging and
€30 million for PBS to avoid bankruptcy
Taxpayers will shore up PBS, the public broadcaster, with
John Bundy blames Saviour Balzan for loss of job at PBS, awarded over €225,000 in damages
Former PBS chief John Bundy has won his industrial
Broadcasting Authority ruling makes perverse situation worse
A ruling by the Broadcasting Authority (BA) this week
Direct orders to Party loyalists for cultural events total €3m in 6 months
State cultural agencies in Malta, under the political patronage

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