Aditus ‘strongly condemns’ PM’s ‘blatant attack’ on judiciary, journalists
Human rights organisation Aditus has “strongly condemned” the words
Freedom of expression organisations back Aquilina’s request for protection
International freedom of expression and journalists’ organisations have issued
Police protection sought for Repubblika President Robert Aquilina
Lawyer Therese Commodini Cachia has sent a letter to
Labour Party electoral campaign billboard registered as threat to press freedom
The Labour Party electoral campaign billboard featuring blogger Manuel
Putting things in perspective
I woke up to a stream of emails this
620 attacks on journalists during pandemic signals worsening global climate for the press
The COVID-19 pandemic proved to be a significant challenge
Killed for chasing the truth
A social media effort is afoot, spontaneous or orchestrated,
Under attack: Debate to focus on challenges faced by women journalists
A webinar to be held on Thursday hosted by
Journalists are receiving legal threats at an ‘alarming’ rate – report
The UK is “by far” the most frequent country
Report: Political ownership of media puts pluralism at ‘high risk’ in Malta
Independent media organisations in Malta face threats and financial
‘States using online harassment as a weapon against critical journalists’
A new website launched by the International Press Institute
Daphne Caruana Galizia in ‘Top 10’ list of cases of injustice against journalists
The One Free Press Coalition has listed the assassintation
Spotlight on threats against journalists in Malta in European report
“Burned in effigy. Insulted. Menaced. Spat at. Discredited by
UK Parliament hears of ‘inadequacy of investigations’ into Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder
Barrister Caoilfhionn Gallagher has called on the British government
MEP elections: 10 proposals for press freedom
A European Commissioner responsible for media freedom, independence and
‘We were never more proud of her than on the day she was murdered’
His mother’s fight against corruption highlighted the need for
Attacks against journalists ‘outrageous’ – UN chief
UN chief António Guterres lamented on Monday that freedom
Daphne Caruana Galizia’s death marked new trend – report
There is a distinct lack of awareness among decision
Huawei top executive accused of fraud in breach of US sanctions
The arrest of Huawei’s chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou sparked
Report details how journalists are the target of criminal organisations
More than 30 journalists have been killed worldwide by
Finance Minister criticised for endorsing call for MEP’s death
MEP David Casa has called out Finance Minister Edward
Dangerous tribalism and fake nationalism
The latest facebook threat by someone who believes that

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