Consulting payments are a red flag
“What Michael Stivala and Joseph Muscat do in their
The curious case of those who know nothing
How many times must we witness the very people
Portelli hotel handed another €0.5 million from public funds three days before election
Gozitan construction magnate Joseph Portelli was the recipient of
Joseph Muscat’s legacy of failure
As disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat pulls strings
Conflicting narratives about the Steward hospital deal raise more questions than answers
Steward Healthcare has long been trying to get the
Steward Health Care owes the Maltese government €37 million in unpaid VAT
The company managing three of Malta’s public hospitals through
Chris Fearne’s perennial hypocrisy
Chris Fearne was supposed to be the ‘clean one’.
Robert Abela’s grim year
The year 2021 was another challenging one for many
Looking back to move forward
Injustice, in one form or another, is the subject
Cardiologist who resigned from MP to join VGH says government ‘bamboozled people’
Professor Albert Fenech, a former PN MP who had
How Joseph swindled the nation
“Funds provided by government to Vitals were being channelled
Government spent €1 billion more than estimated in 2021
The government has spent €1 billion more than it
Steward’s ship has sunk
The government’s agreement with Steward Healthcare is so fraught
It’s not what it looks like
While members of government have become particularly adept at
State Hospitals deal: Taxpayers €300 million – Steward €0
By the end of next year, taxpayers will already
Robert Abela’s Catch-22
Robert Abela has threatened to take “all possible legal
Consulting fees or deferred bribes?
The police say they are investigating Joseph Muscat for
Why are we denied good administration?
Why is it that everything the government touches turns
Steward’s turn of the screw
Robert Abela insistently asks voters: “Who do you want
Government could have terminated hospitals’ deal
Two members of the board tasked with evaluating the
Everyone’s digging their heels in
Deny, deny, deny. And when the clock runs out
NAO report slams VGH hospitals concession deal
The National Audit Office (NAO) has slammed the deal
Uncertainty increases for Gozitan elderly as minister fudges parliamentary reply
After refusing to disclose the contract with Downtown Hotel
Questions persist as Authority avoids answers on relocation of Gozo patients to Downtown
A few years ago Barts medical school abandoned an

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