Opinion: He’s really lost it
If Rip van Winkle woke up in Malta today,
Work on massive Villa Rosa project starts despite ongoing appeal
Heavy machinery, trucks, bulldozers, and an army of foreign
Former director of Binance, company fined billions in US, living it up in Malta
Updated to include a right of reply by Alexandre
Two directors behind Konrad Mizzi associate’s chosen investment firm obtained Maltese citizenship
Two directors for Malta-based investment firm XNT, recently linked
Government amended local plans dozens of times while claiming ‘hands were tied’
Extensive changes to local plans regulating building heights and
Malta Gaming Authority chief’s departure ‘not resignation’
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Carl Brincat, the CEO
Opinion: A change of plans
On 1 June, Robert Abela declared, “The PN, while
Conflicting roles at industrial park agency stopped
Keith Fenech, the CEO of the private-public partnership agency
Taxpayers to foot €66,500 bill for unfair dismissal of government agency CEO
Taxpayers will be forced to pay Stephen McCarthy, who
Prime Minister silent on Lands Minister’s latest conflict of interest
Prime Minister Robert Abela is yet to pronounce himself
Minister Silvio Schembri recruits INDIS deputy Chair’s wife to MGA
Economy and Lands Minister Silvio Schembri continues to shower
Confirmed: Government allowed factories boss to play conflicting roles
Keith Fenech, the politically-appointed INDIS Malta CEO until last
Comino concessions ‘commercially sensitive’ and cannot be made public
It is a strange situation when what is arguably
The country knows – Kevin Cassar
Silvio Schembri just gave away public land worth over
Mission accomplished: minister’s ‘landlord’ gets green lung for peanuts
Developers close to Lands Minister Silvio Schembri and Prime
Silvio Schembri’s aide gets a chairmanship on top of INDIS top job
Francois Piccione, the 31-year-old childhood friend of Economy Minister
‘Public will be forced to intervene’ as deckchairs placed on Comino garigue
The lack of enforcement against newly placed deckchairs on
Lands Authority won’t publish Parliamentary Secretary’s wife’s contract
The Lands Authority has refused to disclose the engagement
New Gaming Act fast-tracked as fresh online gaming licenses drop 75%
The Malta Gaming Authority issued 75% fewer new gaming
INDIS Malta has become Lands Minister Silvio Schembri’s ‘mini constituency’
The blatant abuse of public property, which appears to
Minister’s canvasser promoted to INDIS chair, CEO steps down after six months
The government’s industrial estates management agency INDIS Malta has
Binance never paid a cent of tax in Malta despite processing billions
World-leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance never paid a cent in
60 encroachment concessions given for Sliema and St Julian’s in just three years
Since 2020, the Planning Authority has approved almost 60
Lands minister refusing to explain new ‘private loan’ in declaration of assets
Lands Minister Silvio Schembri is refusing to explain a
Declarations of assets: Prime Minister managed to save half his salary in 2022
Prime Minister Robert Abela has declared he managed to
Mellieha residents ignored as Lands seals deal with minister’s ‘landlord’
The Lands Authority has approved the sale of the
Infrastructure Malta gives Labour Party official four direct orders in six months
Malta’s public roads agency awarded four direct orders costing
New Standard Commissioner’s first decision: ‘Don’t investigate’
Standards Commissioner Judge Joseph Azzopardi has decided not to
Event organiser refuses to explain permits for party at Gozo historical site
Event organiser Andrea Britton is refusing to divulge details

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