Costly rally organised by Silvio Schembri missing in campaign expenses declaration
One of the events organised on behalf of economy
€350 and a day of dubious expenditure analysis later…
Gate-keeping information that’s meant to be released to the
Electoral commission stonewalls questions about whether all candidates have filed expenditure reports
The Electoral Commission would not confirm whether all candidates
Skeletons in the Cabinet: the stories ministers and parliamentary secretaries wish you’d forget
Fourteen members of the new government’s Cabinet – out
Out with some of the old
The new leaders have been appointed. These are the
Election 2022: Out with the old, in with the new
Parliament will look very different in a few weeks’
Minister gives wife €14,000 promotion, increasing her annual salary to €50,000
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri, currently seeking a third term
PA, Wasteserv fail to explain appointment of blacklisted company’s sales director to their boards
More than a week after questions were sent regarding
Four months and counting for Silvio Schembri’s €31 million extravagance
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri is still finding it difficult
Responsible Gaming funds diverted to Silvio Schembri’s electioneering campaign
Tens of thousands of euro in public funds earmarked
Saviour Balzan given premises at industrial park for 15 years starting at €1 a month
Business 2 Business Ltd, a company solely owned by
Encroachment fees total €9.5 million since 2013
A total of €9.4 million was generated from fees
Binance under scrutiny, capitalising on ‘veneer of legitimacy’ given by Malta government
Binance, a cryptocurrency exchange that Malta had welcomed with
Silvio Schembri refuses to explain €17 million discrepancy on MBR office lease
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri has refused to explain the €17
Malta Business Registry’s €31m rent for bathroom showroom ‘prohibitive’ – Auditor General
The premises the Malta Business Registry (MBR) chose for
You have a right to look under their carpets
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri can’t seem to keep track
Speaker to investigate The Shift’s revelations on MGA direct orders
Speaker Anglu Farrugia said today he will investigate the
Minister withholds information from parliament on MGA direct orders
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri and the Malta Gaming Authority
Malta Business Registry premises set to cost taxpayers €8.5 million in rent
The Malta Business Registry’s (MBR) rented offices in Żejtun,
Government ministry staff numbers jumped 14.6% in 2021, swelling total to almost 34,000
The number of employees in government ministries and departments
October’s media circus: how politicians dominate coverage
It is no secret that political parties in Malta
New Lands Authority Chair to face parliament after ministerial blunder
Veteran lawyer John Vassallo who was appointed Chair of
Silvio Schembri in breach of law with Lands Authority appointment
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri appointed former Labour Party candidate
Standards are worthless without accountability
Regulations exist on paper, but laws are only as
A non-apology for a non-story
“While it is a fact that the current Leader
Standards Commissioner says ‘partisan statement’ issued by DOI in breach of political impartiality
The Commissioner for Standards in Public Life has concluded
Air Malta in the red as losses reach €150 million
Air Malta’s financial situation is facing a total meltdown
New Air Malta Board: Silvio Schembri axes Gasan, keeps his uncle, and brings in friends
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri has made radical changes to
Access denied: Silvio Schembri blames Moneyval for purge of public records
Following criticism of the Malta Business Registry’s indiscriminate purge
Journalists call for online access to company data to be reinstated
The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation together with the Institute

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