Opposition Leader demands urgent parliamentary session following charges faced by Central Bank Governor
Opposition Leader Bernard Grech has demanded an urgent parliamentary
Deputy Prime Minister resigns ‘with immediate effect’
Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne has resigned as he
Former FTS chair slams Justyne Caruana
Michael Sant, the former chairman of the Foundation for
Protest calls for resignation of justice minister
In a protest calling for the resignation of Justice
Repubblika protest calls for Rosianne Cutajar’s resignation over Yorgen Fenech links
Protestors outside the office of Parliamentary Secretary Rosianne Cutajar
Joseph Muscat’s diminishing influence as economy dips and priorities change
Former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s unceremonious exit from politics
Mario Cutajar refuses to explain why he lied about Muscat’s resignation letter
Mario Cutajar, head of the civil service, is refusing
‘Transparently yours, Joseph’
For a man who campaigned on a promise of
What are they so desperate to hide?
Someone sure doesn’t want Joseph Muscat’s resignation letter to
President George Vella refuses to publish Joseph Muscat’s resignation letter
President George Vella is refusing to publish the contents
Calls for Tourism Minister’s resignation following Commissioner’s report
The Commissioner for Standards in Public Life has said
A sea of red
A sea of red. People all dressed to kill.
Ask what you can do for your country
A lot of us have spent over three years
Anger at Prime Minister using civil rights card to cover up wrongdoing
Valletta was once again packed with thousands of people
Constitutional abuse, again
Guest commentary by Mark A. Sammut The situation is
In the name of the people… Go!
In one of Malta’s darkest weeks, as Europe (and
If Muscat won’t bail out, he must be pushed
After a tumultuous week, it is evident that Joseph

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