Attacks on independent media continue despite condemnations
Widespread condemnation has not stopped government officials from launching
Muscat’s latest attack on inquiry shot down by courts
Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat’s latest court application
‘The fight for justice does not have a season’: 74 months on, vigil commemorates Daphne
The monthly vigil for truth and justice held on
European Commission refuses to answer questions on implication of Malta driving licence racket
The European Commission has refused to answer questions on
Culture Minister Owen Bonnici backtracks on publishing salaries of top positions at state broadcaster
Culture Minister Owen Bonnici has backtracked on his promise
Shame on you, Abela – Kevin Cassar
Lo and behold, even Jason Micallef wanted a public
Court dismisses AG’s Ali Sadr World Bank tribunal excuses as ‘not binding’
The courts have thrown out the Attorney General’s argumentation
Standards Commissioner declines to investigate again and ‘buries the report’
The new Commissioner for Standards in Public Life, Joseph
Notarial Council condemns Manuel Cuschieri’s targeting of Robert Aquilina
The Maltese Notarial Council has strongly condemned Labour propagandist
‘Absurd and insulting’: press organisations react to Degiorgio’s new prison leave request
International press freedom organisations and local civil society groups
Caruana Galizia’s 2015 reporting on hospital deal ‘vindicated’, says Foundation as reactions roll in
The judgement rescinding and annulling all three agreements and
Aquilina pledges ‘all steps necessary’ to have Magistrate Nadine Lia recused
Civil society action group Repubblika President Robert Aquilina has
Repubblika wants answers on false testimony, missing documents
Civil society action group Repubblika wants answers from the
Victims of corruption and organised crime remembered during vigil for Daphne Caruana Galizia
On Monday evening, people gathered before the Great Siege
As PM steamrolls ahead, Standards Commissioner will become a ‘government puppet’
Updated to include the Opposition’s reaction The Commissioner for
Repubblika demands action after ex-MFSA officials ‘hid Pilatus documents’
Updated to include Repubblika’s information exculpating two MFSA officials named
Police superintendent who threatened Repubblika president identified
The high-ranking police officer who resigned after threatening Repubblika
Constitutional Court rules Nadine Lia recusal case to be heard ‘with urgency’
The Constitutional Court has ruled that a Constitutional case
Justice’s many blunders
Something strange happened in court on Tuesday. Repubblika’s case
Desperately defending Pilatus
“It’s not that we want to hide the truth”,
Court rules Pilatus challenge proceedings be immediately reassigned
Mr Justice Ian Spiteri Bailey has ruled that the
Court orders Attorney General and police inspector to testify in case filed by Repubblika
The first hall of the Civil Court has rejected
Magistrate Nadine Lia – time to go
Magistrate Lia has no decent option left but to
Government targets events commemorating Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination
While various events, both locally and abroad, are underway
Repubblika to take Magistrate Nadine Lia complaint to Commission for the Administration of Justice
Civil society activist group Repubblika will be submitting a
Magistrate Lia cites ‘threatening letter’, defers Pilatus case until end October
In the latest in a series of events in
Nadine Lia’s chequered path to the bench
When rumours began to circulate at the beginning of
‘The magistrate turned her guns on us’: Repubblika takes Pilatus case to Constitutional Court
Repubblika filed an application in the Constitutional Court arguing
Persistence pays
Despite the efforts the authorities devote to burying information
Suitcases in the night
Frustrated citizens took to the streets again this week

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