The change we demand
One of the most revealing comments about Malta was
The two faces of the government’s attitude towards media freedom
You’d be forgiven for thinking that something, somewhere, got
Court records law under spotlight of six international press freedom NGOs
Pressure continues to grow on the government to scrap
No free passes, George Vella
We’ve been treated often enough to the sight of
Culture of impunity allows deceit and dishonesty to run rampant
We’ve all been the victims of lies propagated by
Repubblika warns prime minister to keep promises made after publication of public inquiry report
Civil society NGO Repubblika called on prime minister Robert
The rule of delinquents confirmed
As Robert Abela, prime minister and former adviser to
Government vague on timeline for public inquiry recommendations, denies impunity verdict
Prime minister Robert Abela, speaking at an extraordinary parliamentary
Public inquiry conclusions ‘could prevent murder of other journalists’ – Reporters Without Borders
The international campaign director for Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

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