OPM grants release to disgraced MUMN boss after damning abuse findings
The Office of the Prime Minister has given its
OPM spokesperson put on Project Green payroll
Melissa Vella Buhagiar has been given a lucrative new
‘Urgent’ health and safety legislation left idle for a year
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s sudden urgency to reform the
Government breaks disciplinary code to boost re-election of Rabat mayor
The Office of the Prime Minister has instructed one
PBS director supplied Robert Abela’s New York tickets
Hamilton Travel, owned by Labour stalwart and PBS board
36 public officials facing criminal proceedings get suspension lifted
In an extraordinary move, 36 public officials suspended on
Prime minister’s spokesperson silent on breach of ethics
Edward Montebello, the government’s head of communications for Prime
Elderly former ministers receiving thousands in annual package as PM’s ‘special envoys’
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Prime Minister Robert Abela is
Evans Building concession winner admits mistake, claims insignificance
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Valletta Luxury Projects (VLP)
PBS Chair Mark Sammut blocks information on newsroom appointments
PBS has refused to make public information on a
Abela sidelines disgraced CEO in new Project Green announcement
Last week, Prime Minister Robert Abela announced a new
Stivala Group files objection after govermnent cancels Chalet concession
A  concession to rehabilitate and run the iconic Chalet
Ministries spending hundreds of thousands to manipulate press reports
Government ministries are spending hundreds of thousands of euro
Evans concession assigned to Decesare/Weingard consortium despite faulty bid
The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) has decided
Inexperienced reporters at TVM oust high-ranking veterans
State-owned television station TVM has promoted several staff, pushing
Consultancy firm accuses OPM of bias for awarding tender to Labour pollster
A local consultancy firm has filed a complaint over
‘Government biased in treatment of employees facing criminal charges’ – lawyers
The Maltese government is facing accusations of discrimination that
Petition against Penza tarmac plant in Mqabba gains ground
Thousands of residents of Mqabba, Qrendi, and Safi have
Evans bidders ordered to extend bid as OPM scrambles to solve impasse
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The ongoing evaluation of
€250,000 Med9 summit bill split between Labour-friendly contractors
The two-day Med9 summit, bringing together the leaders of
OPM spends €617,000 a year on 31 ‘mostly insignificant’ boards
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Some €617,000 of taxpayer
OPM also ‘helping’ with ARMS bills
Ministerial customer care officials, including those at the Office
OPM forced to publish Cabinet Secretary Ryan Spagnol’s contract
The Office of the Prime Minister has been forced
Prime Minister confirms information wipe-out but says it’s only temporary
Prime Minister Robert Abela has confirmed that important public
Keith Schembri downplays his role in Electrogas project during PAC grilling
In a rare public appearance, the chief of staff
Prime Minister was warned of Transport Malta sexual harassment a year ago
The Prime Minister had been specifically warned about the
OPM changes the rulebook to increase Abela’s persons of trust
Just a month after forming his new cabinet last
PM spending €556,000 a year on 10 consultants, in breach of code of ethics
Taxpayers are providing over half a million euros a
Prime Minister misled parliament on costs of AFM ‘flagship’ vessel
Prime minister Robert Abela did not answer questions about

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