Prime Minister Robert Abela has found himself in a quandary of his own making as one of his politically appointed CEOs, now indicted over claims of fraud in the Vitals/Steward hospitals scandal, is refusing his orders to go.
In another sign of Robert Abela’s waning authority, James Camenzuli, the CEO of Projects Plus and right-hand man of disgraced former minister Konrad Mizzi, is staying put in both government appointments he is occupying.
The Shift is informed that following the resignations of Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne, Permanent Secretary Ronald Mizzi and Central Bank Governor Edward Scicluna – all related to their indictment over the fraudulent deal on the privatisation of three of Malta’s public hospitals – the prime minister has demanded the same from senior public officials.
These include James Camenzuli, the head of the government entity Projects Plus and the chairman of the energy and water regulator REWS. Yet Camenzuli has made it clear he is staying put.
Sources told The Shift that while Camenzuli maintained his innocence, he had passed the message to Abela that he would do what Abela ordered him to do for another individual just a few months ago. He was referring to Sandro Craus.
Abela’s decision comes back to haunt him
A few months ago, the prime minister ordered Camenzuli not to adopt standard disciplinary rules against Sandro Craus, a senior manager at Projects Plus who was given a €65,000 job on Abela’s direct orders. This was in the lead-up to local council elections in which Craus was contesting the Rabat district.
Although Craus has been accused of misappropriation of funds when he assisted Melvin Theuma – the middle man in the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galiza – Abela ordered Camenzuli as CEO not to suspend Craus and keep him on full pay.
Now, Camenzuli has found himself in the exact same position as his employee and is telling the prime minister he should be treated the same way.
According to established public service rules, all employees, with no distinction, must be suspended from their jobs and put on half pay whenever they are arraigned in court.
Abela has been diluting the implementation of these rules, picking and choosing the individuals to whom they should apply depending on how loyal or useful they are to him.
This has already happened on several occasions, including in the case of alleged sexual harasser Transport Malta official Clint Axisa, who had his ban lifted by the prime minister a few weeks before the last elections despite his pending case in court.
Għax milli jidher jaf ħafna affarijiet fuqu.
And the show goes on!
…at the Republic’s expense!
The man’s past mistakes and erratic decisions are catching up with him.
Will he prove himself stronger than his insubordinate underlings or than the hand that led him to the pinnacle of power through a devilish pact?
Or will he succumb, humbly but dishonourably, to his nemesis now seeking vengeance and try to find a non-humiliating way – or, perhaps, a not-so-humiliating but certainly banal excuse – to exit history?
Bobby has zero diplomacy and knowledge of governance
Looks like Bob’s consiglieres are have not been given an option they “can’t refuse” might be an idea to get a few horse heads and pass the message before they topple him.
Ezempju klassiku ta’ meta bil-Malti nghidu “inqela b’zejtu”! Xi tghid Robert Abela??
Friday’sgeneral conference. Reporting north Korea style. Hear what I want you to hear and not what you would like to hear. Thanks Robert.
Clint Axisa is not only a sexual predator but a totally incompetent piece of sh..t! He can neither, read nor write – computing is definitely off his cards and was made a Director at TM, for his expertise in Carnival floats.
What he most certainly has is an advanced Diploma in “Extreme Gahanism” .
This is what happens when rules are thrown overboard and political expediency becomes the name of the game.