Court orders Stagno Navarra to pay his lawyer’s bills
Labour propagandist Karl Stagno Navarra was found guilty of
OHSA to add new PR manager as Stagno Navarra is never there
The Occupational Health and Safety Authority (OHSA) plans to
Prime minister’s spokesperson silent on breach of ethics
Edward Montebello, the government’s head of communications for Prime
Prime minister’s brother-in-law receives direct order for unspecified legal services
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s brother-in-law, Albert Zerafa, has been
Former Xandir Malta boss returns to PBS, age 82
Norman Hamilton, a staunch Labour Party militant and former
Opinion: The worries about the new Association of Media Owners
A new lobby group – Association of Media Owners
Influencer paid €1000 to advertise, market state company with no competitors
A Labour TV personality, Claire Agius, is being paid
Opinion: Triple whammy
Elwyn Brooks White is probably best known as the
Dalli spends €250,000 in direct orders on one-day meeting
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli spent €250,000 in direct orders
Opinion: Caruana Galizia’s nightmare still isn’t over
Almost six years to the day since Daphne Caruana
Albert Marshall, 75, cashing in on at least five different government jobs
Albert Marshall, the 75-year-old Labour veteran who used to
Abela’s former legal aide gets 10th government job
Ryan Pace, a young lawyer who previously served as
Labour reporter on WasteServ’s payroll complains she doesn’t have a warrant
Pearl Agius, a Labour TV reporter who months ago
Exclusive: Documents reveal ‘exorbitant’ fees charged by new justice minister’s law firm
Jonathan Attard, the 38-year-old new justice minister, charged a
€1 million for propaganda agents as Labour TV shunts more staff onto public payroll
Taxpayers will be spending more than €1 million a
ONE TV news editor Edward Montebello moonlights as public tourism agency head
Edward Montebello, news editor of Labour’s TV station, has
Taxpayers to foot bill for Labour’s final mass rallies
Tista’ taqra bil-Malti Labour’s extravagant final electoral events at
Labour’s Charlon Gouder lands ‘phantom’ €35,000-a-year job at Arts Council
Former One TV reporter-turned lawyer Charlon Gouder has been
Robert Abela’s promotions for those who pushed Joseph Muscat’s propaganda
Robert Abela’s government is following the same pattern as
Air Malta defends Stagno Navarra’s TV appearances despite contract infringements
Air Malta, the ailing national airline which is seeking
Without media literacy, politicians could dictate veracity
Free access to information is considered to be the

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