Keith Schembri to face trial: Inquiry says he pulled the strings, made millions
The trial against those accused of bribery, fraud and
Malta still slow to resolve court cases – EU Justice Scoreboard
Malta continues to have some of the longest delays
On camera, with a convicted criminal at a ‘billionaires’ event
Aqra bil-Malti. Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat was
Man accused of human trafficking was GWU Youth president
Andre D’Amato, accused of human trafficking and money laundering
MFSA CEO silent as Edward Scicluna would not meet ‘fit and proper’ rules
Central Bank Governor Edward Scicluna, facing criminal charges in
Deputy Prime Minister resigns ‘with immediate effect’
Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne has resigned as he
Keith Schembri ‘founder’ of unregistered charity raking in donations
Led Zeppelin’s ‘Stairway to Heaven’ starts playing as you
Government awarded tender to accused kidnapper after court arraignment
Christian Borg, 30, arraigned in January 2022 for a
Nigerian government orders Binance to pay $10 billion compensation
The Nigerian government has ordered cryptocurrency exchange Binance to
European prosecutors office busts EU-wide VAT fraud ring involving Malta
The European Public Prosecutor’s Office has busted an organisation
Ex-Infrastructure Malta CEO investigated for money laundering, fraud
Article updated with additional response from Azzopardi. The European
Proposed EU anti-money laundering law will step up checks and balances
A provisional agreement on a new anti-money laundering law
Opinion: Keith Schembri is still at it
Aqra din l-opinjoni bil-Malti. On 12 December 2021, Sam
Changes to asset freeze law divide legal opinion
Recently proposed changes to economic crime laws related to
Binance CEO steps down, pleads guilty, pays multi-billion-dollar fine
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of
Maltese companies investigated for links to €15 million EU funds fraud
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. A number of Maltese companies
Opinion: An unsafe, threatening place
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti On 7 July 2017, Minister
‘Selective’ enforcement by police as pensioner charged with money laundering
Bank of Valletta and HSBC Malta may have allowed
FIAU fines unconstitutional, court rules for fifth time
The constitutional jurisdiction of the civil court has ruled
BOV terminates relationship with alleged kidnapper, closes all his accounts
Christian Borg, the owner of No Deposit Cars and
Zenith Finance’s Matthew Pace gets an asset freeze reprieve, to pay home loans
Zenith Finance’s Matthew Pace has been given a slight
Malta link in corruption probe of former Lebanese central bank governor
International investigators are looking at suspect investments in Malta
Money stolen by SMS scammers found in Maltese banks by Spain’s Guardia Civil
101 people have been arrested in Spain by the
Shareholders fume over BOV’s failure to appeal €2.6 million FIAU fine
Bank of Valletta shareholders are fuming over the bank’s
Italian court seizes €3 million in suspected mafia assets of Malta-linked company
An Italian court has ordered the seizure of around
MEP David Casa files court application over Christian Borg deposits
MEP David Casa today submitted a court application over
Venezuelan PDVSA embezzler to repay millions from Malta bank account stash
A former general counsel of Venezuela’s state-owned oil company
From Medellín to Malta: Italian in €440 million fraud laundered money through Malta
An Italian national wanted back home for his role
Brazilian fraudster uses Malta banks to help launder $14 million
The United Kingdom’s Serious Fraud Office has seized almost

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